A Quote by Stephen Gostkowski

In New England we get awful weather and it's cold. You definitely appreciate the times where you aren't freezing your butt off, because we are always outside practicing and playing. It's nice to not have to bundle up to play.
When you play in New England you have cold weather, hot weather, windy weather, or snow.
The hardest part about moving from nice California weather was the freezing cold New York.
It's easy to stay in and work a lot. It's shitty weather, you don't go out and lay in the sun. That's a great thing to do - I love that, but in the summer I don't really get much done, because it's so nice to be outside. With the bad weather, you stay inside and dream. You create your own world, because you're not outside in the weather.
I reverently believe that the Maker who made us all makes everything in New England but the weather. I don't know who makes that, but I think it must be raw apprentices in the weather clerk's factory who experiment and learn how, in New England, for board and clothes, and then are promoted to make weather for countries that require a good article, and will take their custom elsewhere if they don't get it...
It's nice to be able to explore both sides of my personality. I definitely relate more to Debbie, my character on The Grinder. But it's really nice because I get to play a character who's down on her luck and kinda slipping off the edge in It's Always Sunny, while at the same time getting to play this character who's a mom and holding it together on The Grinder.
With all the travel we're doing to cold-weather cities, your mind definitely starts to wander. It gets you away from the game. Even when you arrive in a city, you're tempted to just sit in your hotel and rest. Sometimes it's nice to just get out and walk around, to see what's there.
I love a good wool suit, and I appreciate the fact that it's a natural fiber. I know where it comes from, and I know how it's bred. And it's built to last. It breathes and it feels good. A lot of my climbing and hiking gear is all wool, because I can wear it for a week straight and it doesn't smell. And when you get hot and sweaty in a cold temperature, it stays warm. So your body temperature stays at a good warmth rather than freezing your ass off.
I try to get to the gym at least a few times a week, hopefully more. I also play hockey in a pickup league. I grew up playing, so it's nice to get on the ice whenever I can. With all that said, everyone should have cheat days or days off. You need to balance the unhealthy with the healthy.
I think I have been fashioned by the fickle weather of Britain that it is - it's forever changing. There's no kind of constant sun or dry weather or freezing weather, and I'm always having to change and adapt to that.
I like having a beard. What's funny is when you shave a beard, you realize how freezing cold your face is! The primary purpose evolution-wise is to keep you warm, to grow hair on your face. You shave it off, and your face is freezing for a few days.
There's times when I'll be out in the middle of the track, standing in the curve, and I'll just laugh. 'What the heck am I doing right now? I'm sliding down the hill at crazy speeds and standing in freezing cold weather.'
People always think we have the summer off, but it's the opposite. From our rink you can see through the glass to the weather outside, and on a nice day that's really tough.
I always talk with models and they always tell me how awful it was growing up being tall and skinny. Then when you're older, you're really glad. I think it's nice to have been through a terrible time and then all of a sudden be so lucky because then you appreciate it.
In New England, farmers say, "If you don't like the weather, wait a minute!" Meaning, of course, that New England weather is constantly changing. This is like the brain and its mind.
You can get a lawyer with two months off or a New York socialite who wants to play at being Lewis and Clark and put them up there, but Everest is still in charge; it can still kick butt.
But then, I just decided to get off my lazy butt and take advantage of the L.A. weather.
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