A Quote by Stephen Gostkowski

To take an hour or two per day while the kids are in school to read really isn't that tough to do once you get into the routine of it. — © Stephen Gostkowski
To take an hour or two per day while the kids are in school to read really isn't that tough to do once you get into the routine of it.
The last time I was pulled over was in 2005. I was going 55 in a 35 mile per hour zone - which I don't understand because you can barely even idle at 35 miles per hour. Anyway, I was ordered to go to traffic school. It was an 8-hour class and really painful.
Aim to write for an hour per day. I used to be a teacher, and an hour a day before school was all it took for me to write my first book. Don't get discouraged if a holiday or illness interrupts your writing habit. Just start it up again.
In Cuba you get a quarter of a chicken per month. They give you one bread per person a day. So, it makes your life really tough.
In the United States, the average is two children per family, while in Africa it is five children per family. On the surface, the statistic seems to indicate that Africans are having way too many kids and are taxing the Earth's resources, while American kids are born into families who are able to take care of them. However, the average American child consumes roughly the same resources as fifteen African children. So when an American family says they only have two children, they are actually consuming the resources of an African family of thirty children!
It was important to my father that I go to Hebrew school three days a week for two or three hours each time. To me, it felt endless. Think about it from a kid's perspective: I would finish my normal school day, then get on a bus and go to another school. That was tough to take.
I have a routine for a day I'm in the office and not really physically active. Or a day when I'm in the gym once or in the gym twice. Then I've got a road course routine and an oval routine because they're different physically.
Read an hour every day in your chosen field. This works out to about one book per week, fifty books per year, and will guarantee your success.
I always look at these superhero films, and I see people hurdling towards at a hundred miles per hour, and then they get up, shake their head, and charge back at a hundred miles per hour. Nobody seems to really get injured or hurt. I don't find any threat in that. There is no tension in that whatsoever.
I do what I can when I can. When my kids are at school, I have to work. But I try to take 15 minutes during the day and meditate. During the day, that's Mommy time.I have so much fun with my kids. We laugh all day long together. But don't get me wrong; they know Mom will lay down the law and must be respected.
Usually, if I have a day to write, I will spend the first hour thinking about how I am going to structure my day. I will also spend time helping my kids to get ready for school. Then I spend an hour making and eating breakfast, because balanced nutrition has suddenly become very important.
Routines are normal, natural, healthy things. Most of us take a shower and brush our teeth every day. That is a good routine. Spiritual disciplines are routines. That is a good thing. But once routines become routine you need to change your routine.
I don't really have much of a skin care routine. I take a shower every day, but I don't wash my face before I go to bed or anything. I'll try every once in a while to put some moisturizer on my face. In fact, I would probably have better skin if I was religious about it, but I'm not.
If you read one hour per day in your field, that will translate into about one book per week. One book per week translates into about 50 books per year. 50 books per year will translate into about 500 books over the next ten years.
I write every day for most of the work day, and I try to write 2,500 words per day... If I don't make it a routine and treat it like a job, I'd never get anything done.
I think it doesn't really matter what you do for a career, that breakfast routine - get the kids ready, off to school and out the house - if you can have something in the fridge that you know and trust, and that you know your kids enjoy it then it makes your life so much easier.
I can't have a daily routine. I feel really overwhelmed a lot of the time. I don't take much comfort in routine, but if I don't start, I could really get eaten alive by my industry.
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