A Quote by Stephen Humphrey Bogart

The problem with movies now is that studios don't take a chance. — © Stephen Humphrey Bogart
The problem with movies now is that studios don't take a chance.
Studios were just run differently. There really was a head of a studio. There were people who loved their studios. Who worked for their studios and were loaned out to other people and everybody sort of got a piece. Well now there's a handful now.
Movie studios, Hollywood studios, by and large are not making the kind of movies that I go to see.
The studios are never going to make $200 million a picture with those types of movies. It's not familiar to them, and it's not a model that can necessarily be sustained. Now, if they go back to making movies about people ... well, I hope they do that.
If I was one of the leaders...if I was just a leader of one of these studios what I would do is I would go to all my cohorts who run other studios and say let's make a deal. Let's each of us make three 3D movies a year or whatever the number is. Let's not take every movie and make it a 3D movie. Let's take our three tentpoles or whatever movie it is so you have a specialness to it.
In the '60s and '70s it was a great period for American films because studios were still run by individuals who worked off the seat of their pants and went along with things. At that time, they were very uncertain about what to make because of the influence of television. A lot of really terrific movies were made. But then the studios gradually became more corporate and were owned by corporations and run in that way and now they're very nervous. You see what they make - sequels, franchises and try not to take risks.
I just hope, every now and then, the studios still slip one of my movies in.
Unfortunately, the business is such that, as far as studios are concerned, they judge one quote-unquote black movie on how other ‘black’ movies have done, even if they have nothing to do with each other It’s too bad we can’t do well on our own merit when it comes to the studios. They don’t like to take risks and, unfortunately, we’re still considered a huge risk, even though I don’t think we are.
Television studios bet the farm on reality shows, where they didn't need any actors and movie studios had no plans for any quality movies that required the presence of me.
I got on Twitter because it was a way to express guitar and surfing, and who I was, but now - it's still fun, and I can do that - but I think it's more of a business. I thought it was a personal thing that actors could do themselves, but now it's become a tool that studios are trying to use to sell their movies.
For a while, all the studios had their art-house divisions, but that went by the by pretty quickly. Now, they're really focusing on these huge blockbusters, spending a fortune on cartoon pictures and comic-strip movies and superhero movies, and they aren't making pictures like 'How Green Was My Valley,' which was an Oscar winner in its day.
And usually the studios they don't want you to have credit for your movies because they want to take credit for the movies because if you get credit for your movies they've got to pay you more.
All the interesting films are now being made by their subsidiaries for very low budgets. But the studios are not making money. They're making these big, very expensive pictures that take a lot of money but don't really pay for their costs. So they're having a very difficult time. I can see the system breaking down. I think the American studios are a reflection or a metaphor for American industry altogether, which is failing in the world. Its economic domination is being broken down and I think the same thing is happening to the studios.
We don't program movies. We don't run studios. We make movies.
I have felt that there's a lot of receptiveness to female stories now. I think some of it has a little bit - a lot of it is economically driven and driven by, just, kind of studios wanting to check that box because now they know they have a woman problem that they need to solve.
Indie movies got co-opted by the studio system. The studios insisted that only stars could make movies successful.
I think independent movies are actually very challenging right now, because it was this huge scene and it was great for a few years. Then, it was totally co-opted by the studios. Now, it's become very corporate, the independent scene.
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