A Quote by Stephen King

Books and movies are like apples and oranges. They both are fruit, but taste completely different. — © Stephen King
Books and movies are like apples and oranges. They both are fruit, but taste completely different.
There is no religion like Christianity, it is not one religion among others, it is completely different, its mixing apples and oranges.
Comparing Apple to Netflix is like comparing apples to oranges, especially if the oranges made so many mistakes that people stopped eating oranges and just went back to Blockbuster.
Comparing science and religion isn't like comparing apples and oranges - it's more like apples and sewing machines.
I can't compare quarterbacks as apples and oranges in my mind because everybody's in a different system.
It's like apples and oranges, you can't compare it. It was just a matter of playing anyone who was breathing.
What we've done with our modern food supply is absolute insanity. It's not even real any more. You used to be able to give a kid an apple and they would love it. Kids can't even taste apples any more. Apples taste like paper to kids now.
If Radiohead were a fruit we would be apples, because apples are festive
You get a taste of playing in the playoffs and what that's like, and it's a completely different world. You get a taste in those meaningful games. You get that taste, and you can't get it out. You want more.
Don't forget that fruit can be cooked - think of baked apples, poached pears and grilled pineapple. But if you like drinking fruit, blending will preserve more nutrition and fibre than juicing.
The era of wild apples will soon be over. I wander through old orchards of great extent, now all gone to decay, all of native fruit which for the most part went to the cider mill. But since the temperance reform and the general introduction of grafted fruit, no wild apples, such as I see everywhere in deserted pastures, and where the woods have grown up among them, are set out. I fear that he who walks over these hills a century hence will not know the pleasure of knocking off wild apples.
I like acting and being a musician. It's like comparing apples and oranges. But I really like my day job. I've always played music since I was 12, and I guess I always will.
I think the water dictates how food will taste in a country. In England the apples taste unlike apples grown in any other place. England is an island, there's a lot of salt in the air and in the water. I think that has something to do with it.
To compare the albums is like trying to compare apples and oranges.
I know there are California oranges and Florida oranges. When I'm in Florida, I like Florida oranges. Today, I think California oranges are the best, of course.
I think, however, that Astaire's coordination is better than Kelly's... his sense of rhythm is uncanny. Kelly, on the other hand, is the stronger of the two. When he lifts you, he lifts you!... To sum it up, I'd say they were the two greatest dancing personalities who were ever on screen. But it's like comparing apples and oranges. They're both delicious.
I was totally offended when people said we were like *Nsync. I've got nothing against them. I know those guys. But comparing us was lame. It was apples and oranges.
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