A Quote by Stephen King

Reading takes time, and the glass teat takes too much of it. — © Stephen King
Reading takes time, and the glass teat takes too much of it.
If you intend to write as truthfully as you can, your days as a member of polite society are numbered, anyway... You must be prepared to do some serious turning inward toward the life of the imagination, and that means, I'm afraid, that Geraldo, Keith Obermann, and Jay Leno must go. Reading takes time, and the glass teat takes too much of it.
Writing takes too much patience and it takes too much out of you for me to want to attempt it too often.
I'm too passionate about my work...Acting takes not only concentration, it takes creativity; it takes... your soul.
The summer demands and takes away too much. /But night, the reserved, the reticent, gives more than it takes
There is a paradox in politics that what it takes to get elected is not necessarily what it takes to govern, and my feeling is that trying to control things too much feels icky to me.
You can't go to college and develop into an Olympics champion. It takes too much time, too much training.
I honestly think, rebounding, it takes a couple of things to be a good rebounder... It takes motor. It takes effort. It takes a lot of things. It takes game reps.
a girl takes too much time to love and a few seconds to hate. but a boy takes a few seconds to love and too much time to hate.
Working from live models is too much trouble; it takes too much time.
It takes time to build a corporate work of art. It takes time to build a life. And it takes time to develop and grow. So give yourself, your enterprise, and your family the time they deserve and the time they require.
It is important to realize that the process of 'fostering' a passion takes trial and error. It takes experience; you cannot do it all in your head. And it takes a long time.
Sometimes there's something that you need a few takes to get it and if it takes 15 takes, it takes 15 takes. It really depends.
Better is possible. It does not take genius. It takes diligence. It takes moral clarity. It takes ingenuity. And above all, it takes a willingness to try.
If something takes too long, something happens to you. You become all and only the thing you want and nothing else, for you have paid too much for it, too much in wanting and too much in waiting and too much in getting.
Directing is too hard, it takes too much time, and it doesn't pay very well.
Too many vacations that last too long, too many movies, too much TV, too much video game playing - too much undisciplined leisure time in which a person continually takes the course of least resistance gradually wastes a life. It ensures that a person's capacities stay dormant, that talents remain undeveloped, that the mind and spirit become lethargic and that the heart remains unfulfilled.
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