A Quote by Steve Bruce

One of the most enjoyable parts of the job is seeing a young fella who you give a debut to or you buy and see them progress. — © Steve Bruce
One of the most enjoyable parts of the job is seeing a young fella who you give a debut to or you buy and see them progress.
I jealously guard my research time and I love fully immersing myself in those dusty old books and papers. It's one of the most enjoyable parts of my job.
I see a little progress, ... So as long as I keep seeing that, then I'm willing to give him everything I've got.
I use Instagram the most. I like visual. I like pictures. I've tried to engage fans and let them see parts of my life that they don't see on air. I'm trying to give behind-the-scenes access.
As a player, I could have the ball in my hands; I could kind of dictate what happens. I'm still learning, a young coach with young players. Sometimes I'm going to see things. They're not going to see what I see. So it's being able to translate that and help them see what I'm seeing.
Like all enjoyable things, you see, it has unenjoyable parts to it.
The record company started as an adjunct to that, to give young composers their first recorded performances; to give young musicians their first debut on a recording. These are all things that big record companies would never touch because there is no money in it!
They [Mc Donalds] take people and give them a first job, which enables them to get a second job. They do a very good job of educating troubled young people to be good citizens and they're probably more successful than charter schools.
Young people especially sometimes feel that the standards of the Lord are like fences and chains, blocking them from those activities that seem most enjoyable in life.
Convincing isn't really possible in an age of customer control. Customers hold most of the cards today. They have good visibility into their choices, and they can easily share information with each other. Not only that, they don't like to be sold. But they do like to buy. Your job shouldn't be to convince customers to buy, but to help them buy what they want.
My job is to put on a great performance. Every time I step in the ring, my job is to perform at top level and to give the people, give the crowd, give the audience what they came to see and that is a good show and, of course, everybody wants to see knockouts and that's what I like to do.
A young fella snuck out on to the field somehow, but when he was coming up to give me a hug, he got smoked by the guard. He was lucky the guy didn't break his ribs.
Find a way to enjoy parts of every run. Most of your runs should be mostly enjoyable.
I feel a responsibility to try and give back. I see young people out there who are trained, and any way I can help them and give them an opportunity is gratifying.
The most important lesson I have learned from spending years talking to law enforcement officers is that the vast majority of them really want to do a good job. They have a physical need to do a good job. And yet, we don't give them the resources that would help them.
So for me it's more than happy to see many patients - often I can see them telling me, 'You saved my life.' This is my most enjoyable and, I would say, I'm very pleased to hear what I have done is really meaningful.
Working with young actors is really going with trust. I never see them act beforehand. Because that's not their job. It's my job to make it happen on set.
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