A Quote by Steve Hilton

What typically happens in government is the exact opposite of how things should work. — © Steve Hilton
What typically happens in government is the exact opposite of how things should work.
It's the exact opposite of my job to take what the government says at face value and say, 'This is the truth because the government says it, and the government never lies.'
If you become famous and you start making money, then people want to give you things. It's the exact opposite of how it's supposed to be.
Early in my career, a critic said that I needed to "explain" the irony in my work, suggesting that I needed to add text next to the images to help people understand what I was trying to say. At first I was dismayed that I wasn't making work with a clear enough message. That's when I realized that that was the exact opposite of what I wanted to do - that I wasn't responsible for a misinterpretation of my work, that there should be some ambiguity to it. They either got it, or they didn't.
Golf is the absolute worst place for me to be because I am the exact opposite of everything that a golfer should encompass, should be, and I'm not.
I don't like the fact that people are supposed to think horror movies have a way things should go. I always try to do the exact opposite of what people expect and want.
I get bored with things easily. I always have to change something to keep myself excited. When I feel like I did a really good classical and acoustic album, the next thing I want to do is the opposite. And then I want to do the opposite of that. When I work alone after that, I feel like I should work with a lot of people. When I work with a lot of people after that, I feel that I should work alone.
One should remain as a witness to whatever happens, adopting the attitude, 'Let whatever strange things that happens happen, let us see!' This should be one's practice. Nothing happens by accident in the divine scheme of things.
Look at government programs for the past fifty years. Every single one - except warfare - achieved the exact opposite of its announced goal.
I don't wanna say I'm anti-military as my mission is the exact opposite and I'm a unifying force. I'm there to show everybody that we're all the exact same.
There are a number of institutions globally where the Federal Reserve typically leads the U.S. effort to work with financial regulators from other countries, and we try to, to the extent possible, establish international standards for how - the amount of capital a bank should hold, for example, or how much.
All I'm saying is that you should show some respect for what other people see with their eyes and feel with their fingers, even though it be the exact opposite.
We all assume that if you're weak and poor, you're never going to win. In fact, the real world is full of examples where the exact opposite happens, where the weak win and the strong screw up.
Among the important realizations I had in my own days in the practice room was that if any one route to any one phrase didn't work after days of trying, then the exact opposite route should at least be explored, as well as every alternative in between, as counterintuitive as that often seemed.
If ever there was an area in which to do the exact opposite of that which government and the media urge you to do, that area is the purchasing of gold.
And I believe happiness is the exact opposite of sadness, bitterness, and hatred: happiness should remain unexamined as long as possible.
I just want to finish what I'm doing and go home. I want to have a weekend. I want to have breakfast, a stack of pancakes. I don't want to not enjoy where I am at this very moment. So, every time I plan something the exact opposite happens.
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