A Quote by Steve Lawson

We're not just dogmatic about this-we're bulldog-matic!
  Sola Scriptura is non-negotiable! — © Steve Lawson
We're not just dogmatic about this-we're bulldog-matic! Sola Scriptura is non-negotiable!

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Sola scriptura means at least this: that the church's proclamation is always subject to potential correction from the canon. It is for this reason that we resist simply collapsing the text into the tradition of its interpretation and performance.
I want to be a very good friend to Indonesia, but there are some things which are non-negotiable. Border protection is just non-negotiable. Maintaining a strong security network is just non-negotiable. I think the Indonesians understand that.
In a contest between me and a bulldog, you would say the bulldog is cuter.
Change is like putting lipstick on a bulldog. The bulldog's appearance hasn't improved, but now it's really angry.
My fantasy would be to adopt a bulldog from bulldog rescue and a big old mutt from North Shore Animal Shelter.
I loved the Rumble that Shawn Michaels won. Bulldog threw him over, and he hung on by the skin of the teeth and dumped Bulldog - that was one of my favourite ones.
The principle itself of dogmatic religion, dogmatic morality, dogmatic philosophy, is what requires to be booted out; not any particular manifestation of that principle.
To be dogmatic about a cause you believe in at the age of 20 or 30 is not unusual. But to be dogmatic at age 55 or 60 shows a lack of any learning capacity.
The mind God is looking for in man is a doubting, questioning mind, not a dogmatic mind; dogmatic reasoning is wrong reasoning. Dogmatic reason ties a huge rock to a man's foot and stops him forever from advancing.
Agnosticism is a perfectly respectable and tenable philosophical position; it is not dogmatic and makes no pronouncements about the ultimate truths of the universe. It remains open to evidence and persuasion; lacking faith, it nevertheless does not deride faith. Atheism, on the other hand, is as unyielding and dogmatic about religious belief as true believers are about heathens. It tries to use reason to demolish a structure that is not built upon reason.
The freedom of the city is not negotiable. We cannot negotiate with those who say, 'What's mine is mine and what's yours is negotiable.'
The principle itself of dogmatic religion, dogmatic morality, dogmatic philosophy, is what requires to be rooted out; not any particular manifestation of that principle. The very corner-stone of an education intended to form great minds, must be the recognition of the principle, that the object is to call forth the greatest possible quantity of intellectual power, and to inspire the intensest love of truth.
There's just something fascinating to me about watching a business interaction unfold, and the negotiation. And how everything is negotiable in life.
Death makes me realize how deeply I have internalized the agnosticism I preach in all my books. I consider dogmatic belief and dogmatic denial very childish forms of conceit in a world of infinitely whirling complexity. None of us can see enough from one corner of space-time to know "all" about the rest of space-time.
I just think it's ridiculous to be dogmatic and be caught in the past. You have to be open, aware, nimble and flexible about changes in the world.
I was christened the "British Bulldog" by friends and colleagues who said I not only looked like a bulldog but fought like one. I was more of a fighter than a boxer. The "Blackpool Rock" originated from the fact that previous to becoming a fighter I was employed in the Blackpool Rock Factory, rock being a form of what Americans call candy.
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