A Quote by Steven Kotler

Creatives fail and the really good ones fail often. — © Steven Kotler
Creatives fail and the really good ones fail often.
If you run a website that doesn't have something that's terrible on it, you are not trying hard enough. You have to fail, fail, fail. You have to fail and fail miserably many times.
'Fail hard, fail fast, fail often. It's the key to success.' This one I learned from experience!
There's no checklist of how democracies fail because they fail in different ways. Some of them fail because they break up and civil war breaks out... Often they fail because someone is elected to power who doesn't respect the rules of the democracy.
Fail fast. Fail often... The most talented people in the world have bad ideas. That's a good thing to learn.
Fail early, fail often, but always fail forward.
Maybe we don't put our young people in situations often enough where they're allowed to fail. When you fail you gain experience, and with enough experience, you don't fail as often.
Fail fast, fail hard, fail often.
One purpose of CRC cards [a design tool] is to fail early, to fail often, and to fail inexpensively. It is a lot cheaper to tear up a bunch of cards that it would be to reorganize a large amount of source code.
The object isn't to be perfect. The goal isn't to hold back until you've created something beyond reproach. I believe the opposite is true. Our birthright is to fail and to fail often, but to fail in search of something bigger than we can imagine. To do anything else is to waste it all.
You have to continuously fail. You fail at something, then you get over it, then you fail some more. And after you fail, there's always something new there. And that something new can be really interesting.
Fail early, fail often, in order to succeed sooner.
We pay just as dearly for our triumphs as we do for our defeats. Go ahead and fail. But fail with wit, fail with grace, fail with style. A mediocre failure is as insufferable as a mediocre success.
I believe in creative failing - to contine to write poems that fail and fail and fail until a day comes when you've got a thousand poems behind you and you're relaxed and you finally write a good poem.
Kids don't fail. Teachers fail, school systems fail. The people who teach children that they are failures, they are the problem.
The reason so many people fail to achieve success is because they fail to fail enough times.
We must not fail, individually, for if we fail, we fail twice - for ourselves and for those who could have been helped, if we had done our duty.
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