A Quote by Steven Weinberg

In complexity, it is only simplicity that can be interesting. — © Steven Weinberg
In complexity, it is only simplicity that can be interesting.
...the only simplicity to be trusted is the simplicity to be found on the far side of complexity.
For the simplicity on this side of complexity, I wouldn't give you a fig. But for the simplicity on the other side of complexity, for that I would give you anything I have.
Complexity and intelligence grow from simplicity, not from greater complexity.
The general problem with ambitious systems is complexity. [...] it is important to emphasize the value of simplicity and elegance, for complexity has a way of compounding difficulties.
I think there is a profound and enduring beauty in simplicity; in clarity, in efficiency. True simplicity is derived from so much more than just the absence of clutter and ornamentation. It's about bringing order to complexity.
Fate loves to invent patterns and designs. Its difficulty lies in complexity. But life itself is difficult because of its simplicity. It has only a few things of a grandeur not fit for us.
The world is a thing of utter inordinate complexity and richness and strangeness that is absolutely awesome. I mean the idea that such complexity can arise not only out of such simplicity, but probably absolutely out of nothing, is the most fabulous extraordinary idea. And once you get some kind of inkling of how that might have happened ' it's just wonderful. And . . . the opportunity to spend 70 or 80 years of your life in such a universe is time well spent as far as I am concerned.
Simplicity is complexity resolved
The art of simplicity is a puzzle of complexity.
Out of complexity, find simplicity!
The beauty of simplicity is the complexity it attracts.
Misery is complexity. Happiness is simplicity.
Complexity creates confusion, simplicity focus.
The opposite of simplicity is not complexity, but fragmentation and alienation.
Complexity has nothing to do with intelligence, simplicity does.
The evolution of knowledge is toward simplicity, not complexity.
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