A Quote by Stuart McMillan

A meow massages the heart. — © Stuart McMillan
A meow massages the heart.

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As for what rejuvenates me - deep tissue massages. I am addicted to massages.
Personally, I don't stretch, I don't get massages. Maybe massages would be useful, but I just don't have the time for it.
I get massages almost daily. Sometimes I fall asleep during the massage, but it's very important to have deep-tissue massages because that type recovers muscles best.
Meow, Meow, Motherfucker.
I don't do karaoke. You know how some people don't like massages? They don't like massages; I don't like karaoke.
Laughter is very infectious, and why it should be so is a most interesting neurological problem. But it also has other, more physiological, benefits. Apparently it boosts the immune system, reduces stress hormones, massages the heart and diaphragm and engenders a 'feel good' factor.
Meow” means “woof” in cat.
Just what part of meow don't you understand?
Meow is like aloha - it can mean anything.
That's true. Chairman Meow deserves my every effort.
A cat's meow and cow's moo, I can recite them all.
Chairmen Meow deserves me every effort.
You can't pussyfoot around. When you're talking to lions, you can't meow like a pussycat.
I only unwind at facials and massages.
I don't wake up each morning saying, 'Oh, wow, it's me. I think I'm the cat's meow. I'm the best.'
If God did not intend the cat to live happily with humankind, why is there a meow in the middle of the word 'hoMEOWner'?
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