A Quote by Suki Waterhouse

The greatest response to a negative person is to be a positive person — © Suki Waterhouse
The greatest response to a negative person is to be a positive person
I am a positive person. I am not cynical. If you are born in this world, no matter who you are, negative things will happen. If you aren't positive as a person, you'll be very unhappy. It's extremely important to be positive, to laugh, to be happy, to accept life as it comes.
Every person gets negative things, they learn from those negative things, and you become a positive person.
What hurts this person is not the occurrence itself, for another person might not feel oppressed by this situation at all. What is hurting this person is the response he or she has uncritically adopted. It is not a demonstration of kindness or friendship to the people we care about to join them in indulging in wrongheaded, negative feelings.
Our thoughts really do create our lives. They've done a lot of research showing if you're an optimistic, positive person you will be a healthier person than if you're a sad, depressed, negative person.
We owe Christ to the world--to the least person and to the greatest person, to the richest person and to the poorest person, to the best person and to the worst person. We are in debt to the nations.
I feel that sin and evil are the negative part of you, and I think it's like a battery: you've got to have the negative and the positive in order to be a complete person.
If I'm around a bunch of people that's sad, I gotta try to make them laugh or come up with something positive out of the emotion that's making you feel negative. I'm not a negative person. I don't hang around negative people.
I'm just a negative person, a deeply negative person. I see the worst aspects of everything.
My prayer today is to not be negative about anything for one day. It is so easy to be disappointed, critical, cynical. Nothing is easier than to be a negative person. It takes effort to be hopeful and positive. People will say that you have to have a reason to be positive - what reason do the poor or lonely have to be positive? If we all waited for perfect conditions in our life before we felt hopeful, we would have very few days in life to celebrate. Perfection is rare. Hope means no matter how bleak, all things can and do change in the blink of an eye.
If you're hanging out with two negative people, do they equal one positive person?
I'm the kind of person who doesn't really focus on more negativity. I'm a positive person, and I look at things in a positive way.
A person who exhibits both positive and negative qualities, strengths and weaknesses, is not flawed but complete.
I can't be around someone who is negative because I am such a positive person. If you are mean, then we don't speak.
I'm a positive person. Things were cancelled? So what? Wally's going on. Why are people so negative? I'm not a quitter.
Negative thinking hinders others from making a positive response.
A person is either himself or not himself; is either rooted in his existence or is a fabrication; has either found his humanhood or is still playing with masks and roles and status symbols. And nobody is more aware of this difference (although unconsciously) than a child. Only an authentic person can evoke a good response in the core of the other person; only person is resonant to person.
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