A Quote by Supriya Pathak

People tell me Especially while we are stressed out, we watch just one episode of 'Kichdi' and immediately feel de-stressed.' — © Supriya Pathak
People tell me Especially while we are stressed out, we watch just one episode of 'Kichdi' and immediately feel de-stressed.'
One thing I hear a lot is that people feel less stressed out after they watch 'Gourmet Makes.' There's a transference of their stress onto me.
I do not think stress is a legitimate topic of conversation, in public anyway. No one ever wants to hear how stressed out anyone else is, because most of the time everyone is stressed out. Going on and on in detail about how stressed out I am isn’t conversation. It’ll never lead anywhere. No one is going to say, “Wow, Mindy, you really have it especially bad. I have heard some stories of stress, but this just takes the cake.
If you're feeling stressed or anxious and you don't know why, ask yourself: What little thing led me here? Recently, I canceled on a friend because I was tired. I went to bed feeling stressed out, and I realized, I feel bad because I canceled.
I feel like I get really stressed out sometimes. I just want someone to tell me, "Relax, it's all going to be okay." I think that's all we really need.
There are two things that give me perfect happiness - doing the perfect shot and travelling. I get stressed, really stressed by the fact that there is just so much to see and I am not going to live long enough to visit all the places I want to.
Of course, most of the people in this world are stressed, and most of those who are not stressed are totally bored!
In fact, people think you have to be stressed to be successful. They think if you are not stressed, something is wrong with you.
When I'm feeling stressed out and overwhelmed, sometimes I'll read a book. But most of the time, I will either listen to music or play music. I'm basically always playing music, even if I'm not stressed!
I can be stressed, or tired, and I can go into a meditation and it all just flows off of me. I'll come out of it refreshed and centered and that's how I'll feel and it'll carry through the day.
When I get stressed out my de-stress default is - not cat videos - but I just watch his surrogates. They're so entertaining. It's like escapees from the Nordstrom cosmetics counter.
I have spent a very long time in Cate's shadow - she casts a pretty big one. I have always had the support of my family and coach, and they have always stressed we are completely different people and will achieve things in our own time. They stressed I would get my moment. I just had to be patient.
Giving those animals [in shelter] quality time - now, I have been in some of the shelters where the cats have been in group housing. Well if you have a cat that never gets out of sternal recumbency, now what that means is that [inaudible] - that's a stressed cat. If they lay on their side, then they are not stressed out.
At every level, from the microcellular to the psychological, exercise not only wards off the ill effects of chronic stress; it can also reverse them. Studies show that if researchers exercise rats that have been chronically stressed, that activity makes the hippocampus grow back to its preshriveled state. The mechanisms by which exercise changes how we think and feel are so much more effective than donuts, medicines, and wine. When you say you feel less stressed out after you go for a swim, or even a fast walk, you are.
Soothing touch, whether it be applied to a ruffled cat, a crying infant, or a frightened child, has a universally recognized power to ameliorate the signs of distress. How can it be that we overlook its usefulness on the jangled adult as well? What is it that leads us to assume that the stressed child merely needs “comforting,” while the stressed adult needs “medicine”?
I know that when I get stressed, I want to eat junk food. So now I just know - 'I'm stressed, I want to eat junk food, so I'm going to go work out instead, or eat something healthy.' It really works.
But the majority of things that one could get stressed about, they?re not worth getting stressed about.
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