A Quote by Susan Faludi

Having whipped single women into high marital panic-or "nuptialitis," as one columnist called it- the press hastened to soothe fretted brows with conjugal tonic.
I love the eyebrow pencils. I do my brows every day. I won't leave my house without my brows! My beauty disaster from childhood was trying to look like Kate Moss and plucking all my brows off.
Long before folks fretted the demise of 'quantitative easing,' I fretted its existence. It proved the reverse of its image, an antistimulus, and we've done okay not because of it, but despite it.
Every single Asian dude who went to high school or junior high during the era of John Hughes movies was called 'Donger,'
There's something on Wall Street called PIG - panic, ignorance, and greed. Those are the big sins. I'm not greedy, I knew I was ignorant, and I didn't panic.
Landscapes, heads and naked women are called artistic photography, while photographs of current events are called press photography.
Panic is efficient. Panic is effective. Panic is the way I get things done! Panic attacks are my booster rockets!
Extra-marital sex is as overrated as pre-marital sex. And marital sex, come to think of it.
I always thought of myself as more of a columnist, but maybe a columnist who does reporting.
When women do succeed, the press, even the industry press, spend far too much time talking about how we dress, what shoes we're wearing, who we're meant to be seeing. That's pretty sad for women, especially when it's written by women who really should know better.
If you look at Barcelona and the way they press high, or Bayern Munich, the way they press high... that's what makes them the best teams, because when they lose the ball, in the first three seconds, that's when they get the ball back, really, really high.
Deep attention, the cognitive style traditionally associated with the humanities, is characterized by concentrating on a single object for long periods (say, a novel by Dickens), ignoring outside stimuli while so engaged, preferring a single information stream, and having a high tolerance for long focus times. Hyper attention is characterized by switching focus rapidly among different tasks, preferring multiple information streams, seeking a high level of stimulation, and having a low tolerance for boredom.
I blew the lot on vodka and tonic, gambling and fags. Looking back, I think I overdid it on the tonic.
There has been two awful fights in town this week. You don't know anything about such fighting at home as I speak of; this is no place for women and children, yet, although they all say it is so quiet here... if a man fights in Kansas and gets whipped, he never says anything more about it. If he does, he will get whipped for his trouble.
I shall be well enough when I get to Kentucky or Alabama. The tonic I need is the tonic of opposition. That always sets me on my feet.
Panic: A highly underrated capacity thanks to which individuals are able to indicate clearly that something is wrong. Given their head, most humans panic with great dignity and imagination. This can be called democratic expression or practical common sense.
I've never had my brows done - I tweeze them myself. I used to watch my mom pluck her brows, that's how I learned.
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