A Quote by Susan Rice

We are patriots in my family, we are believers in America, we're believers in democracy. — © Susan Rice
We are patriots in my family, we are believers in America, we're believers in democracy.
In the world there are believers and then there are non-believers. For all of you non-believers out there, I have something to say to you...never underestimate the heart of a champion.
there are the non-believers, make believers and true believers!
All of us, believers and non-believers, desire some kind of fellowship and connection.
When we place our faith in Christ, God becomes our Father, we become his children, other believers become our brothers and sisters, and the church becomes our spiritual family. The family of God includes all believers in the past, the present, and the future.
There is a brotherhood within the body of believers, and the Lord Jesus Christ is the common denominator. Friendship and fellowship are the legal tender among believers.
If religious people deny paradise to their opponents or to 'non-believers,' atheists would likewise seek to eliminate 'dangerous' believers with their 'childish' ways and their heads in the clouds.
True believers just don't see things the way they are, because if they did, they wouldn't be true believers anymore.
Yes, believers and non-believers and skeptics can all live together and get along. But there cannot be an imperialistic imposition of religion by the state or by the church. All people must be equal--believers, skeptics, disbelievers, atheists, and those who chose religion. Unless we are all deemed equal, and unless the morality of disbelief is deemed the equivalent of the morality of belief, we will simply be tolerated, and that is not the American way.
If I can be a good person and help a few non-believers or even help people that are believers but need a little help along the way, I think that's a job that I take very seriously.
Half the people might like me - the other half might not. But throughout my life, I have had high expectations for myself - so I just try to make the non-believers into believers.
I am not the opposite of theism. I am right in the middle of those non-believers and believers. It's not even about being agnostic or nastik. Why would I take a name given to me by my opposition? I am just a rationalist.
Believers often forget that most atheists used to be religious, that many non-believers used to think they had a personal relationship with their God and they used to 'feel' the power of prayer. They've since learned that it was all a farce, that their feelings were internal emotions and not some external force.
As the leader of the nation, I say in behalf of the Filipino people to the world: we are strong and principled believers in democracy.
Seeking God? We have totally revised corporate worship services to be sensitive to "seekers." If worship were to be tailored for seekers, it would be directed exclusively to believers, for no one except believers ever seeks God (Rom. 3:9-12).
According to Muslim teachings, God first revealed His word in the Holy Qur'an to the prophet, Muhammad, during the month of Ramadan. That word has guided billions of believers across the centuries, and those believers built a culture of learning and literature and science. All the world continues to benefit from this faith and its achievements.
What is there to be said about a Church which certainly promises its believers eternal salvation, but at the same time condemns the non-believers, all those who think differently, to an eternal torment in hell? - If that Church absolutely must talk about love, then it should do so very quietly.
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