A Quote by Susan Sarandon

We were friends with Jonathan Demme. We were all down on the West Side of New York, and I think I met Kurt Vonnegut through Edith Demme. And then I was lucky to do Who Am I This Time? 1982, which was an adaptation of his short story that Jonathan Demme directed with Chris Walken and I, and that really cemented the friendship.
Jonathan Demme is a very sharp editor of his movies.
I think Woody Allen calls it 'anxiety of influence.' When you're in your formative years and you watch a movie that makes you want to make movies... For Wes Anderson, it's Truffaut. I'm sure for P.T. Anderson it was Scorsese and Jonathan Demme.
When I'm channel surfing, and 'Silence of the Lambs' comes on, I have trouble turning it off. I wouldn't say that about 'Beautiful Mind.' It's a good movie, but I'm much more in awe of what Jonathan Demme did with 'Silence of the Lambs.'
A lot of times, they can't hire actors just because there's this obligation that the audiences don't know who they are, and it's about making money. For me, the project that felt like all of it was 'Rachel Getting Married' because I had such a good time on that movie. Jonathan Demme, to me, is one of the most actor-friendly directors.
I've worked with David Lynch since I was 17, and working with him is home and family; being around Alexander Payne is home and family, Jonathan Demme. There are directors... Robert Altman, Paul Thomas Anderson... They are directors where I create homes.
I moved to New York in 1980, and I met Beth Henley, who's a marvellous playwright and who I have a real personal and professional association with, in 1982. I met her in a stalled elevator - we were the only two people in there - and she's been one of my very dearest friends since.
I was a screenwriting major at Georgetown, and I was in class with some really strong writers like Jonathan Nolan, who co-wrote 'The Dark Knight' with Chris, his brother. He wrote 'The Prestige,' the story for 'Memento.'
I first met (Bob Dylan) in '65. We've had a friendship for a long time. He decided to play on a record I was making in New York. We were just friends playing together.
It's an undeniable fact, that President Jonathan has done well for Nigeria in such a very short time, and I think he is the answer to the prayer of many Nigerians. I must not be President, but I have vowed to support anyone who shares the same vision I have for Nigeria. And take it from me, President Jonathan has surpassed my vision for Nigeria
For a while we were chasing a book by Graham Greene to do Brighton Rock as a musical. We didn't get the rights, so we decided to create something from scratch, with Jonathan. By that time we were big fans of his work.
I love acting and directed. And Jonathan loved magic. Whatever we were passionate about, our parents supported us.
When I met Eric Clapton, I was a very young girl. I was 20 years old. And we were linked for a very short time, and then we became friends. And then we lost touch, which I'm really sorry about.
Kurt Vonnegut and I - it's not an exaggeration to say we were best friends. And I grew up just idolizing him.
For us the Dresden Dolls were porcelain dolls that were made in that city at the time, that is what they were to us, and also a reference in Slaughterhouse 5 by Kurt Vonnegut, and in a song by The Fall.
When I heard Jonathan [Cole's agent] repeat the figure of £55k-a-week, I nearly swerved off the road. 'He is taking the p**s, Jonathan!' I yelled down the phone. I was so incensed. I was trembling with anger. I couldn't believe what I'd heard.
I've worked with the Warrens. For about 20 years. I was really good friends with Ed. Ed and Lorraine. We went our separate ways, there were a few differences. In their organization, being that they were from Connecticut, I started the New York City chapter of the organization and handled things in New York. But eventually I was out on my own. But I've been friends with them for a long time.
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