A Quote by Susana Martinez

As a prosecutor, I served victims; I fought to keep communities safe, and in every instance, I knew that it was my job to protect individuals' privacy. — © Susana Martinez
As a prosecutor, I served victims; I fought to keep communities safe, and in every instance, I knew that it was my job to protect individuals' privacy.
My job as Home Secretary is to keep families and communities across our country safe.
But, the other thing is, is that I feel very confident in the individual pilots. They are tremendous individuals. They are individuals that have sworn to protect and defend our very citizens. That is why we served...
Our soldiers have nobly fought to protect freedom since our country's birth, and have fought to protect those that could not protect themselves, even in foreign lands when called upon.
Every New Yorker has the right to clean air, safe drinking water, and healthy communities to raise their children - and you can rest assured that I will aggressively protect that right, not just on Earth Day, but every day.
When I served as a prosecutor, I saw firsthand the many injustices that are embedded in our communities. But I also saw the difference it can make in someone's life when they have someone to stand up and fight for them.
There are definitely problems with technology companies, mostly around privacy, in my opinion, and the fact that they don't protect our privacy and we haven't passed privacy laws.
I'm a former federal prosecutor, I've fought terrorists and won and when we get back in the White House we will fight terrorists and win again and America will be safe.
I don't see a direct conflict between the rights of individuals and the rights of communities, because I don't perceive of communities as having rights in a way that individuals do. Communities certainly have interests, but they don't exactly have rights.
We are not made safe from terrorists by helicopters, or missiles or boots on the ground. Nor is it drones, torture or digital dragnets that protect us. What makes us as individuals safe from a terror attack is the staggering probability that we will be elsewhere when one occurs.
Before I die, I want to be somebody’s favorite hiding place, the place they can put everything they know they need to survive, every secret, every solitude, every nervous prayer, and be absolutely certain I will keep it safe. I will keep it safe.
My job as a prosecutor is to do justice. And justice is served when a guilty man is convicted and an innocent man is not.
I've served Ohioans starting as a county prosecutor in 1976 for, for 30 years. I think they know my integrity. I think they know my honesty. I think they knew who, who I am.
Books served to keep hard-won knowledge safe. They endured.
I thank the officers of the Minneapolis Police Department, who work hard every day to help people in their most vulnerable moments, keep our communities safe, and build relationships and trust with the public.
Police ought to protect communities as well as individuals.... Just as physicians now recognize the importance of fostering health rather than simply treating illness, so the police - and the rest of us - ought to recognize the importance of maintaining, intact, communities without broken windows.
Every time that we've ever fought, we fought to keep from bein' destroyed. We've never started a war.
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