I bought Windows 2.0, Windows 3.0, Windows 3.1415926, Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows ME, Windows RSVP, The Best of Windows, Windows Strikes Back, Windows Does Dallas, and Windows Let's All Buy Bill Gates a House the Size of Vermont.
Windows '98 is so similar to Windows '95 because Apple hasn't invented anything worth copying since 1995.
This Windows 95 hairball has become so big, so unmanageable, so hard to use, so hard to configure, so hard to keep up and running, so hard to keep secure. Windows 95 is a great gift to give your kid this Christmas because it will keep your kid fascinated for months trying to get it up and running and trying to figure out how to use it.
As the artist, you have to live in order to experience life to put that out there, and when you are successful in America and in the world, your point of view is the 5% and not the 95%, but you have to represent the 95% so you have to find a way to experience life the way they do.
Windows 95 was a nice milestone.
When I want to do something mindless to relax, I reinstall Windows 95.
Windows 95 is what Rube Goldberg would have designed if he'd studied cartooning at M.I.T.
Good morning, doctors. I have taken the liberty of removing Windows 95 from my hard drive.
To say that Windows 95 is just like the Mac is like finding a potato in the shape of Jesus and thinking you have witnessed the second coming
Trenchmouth, really great band. Here's a photo of them in 1979 playing the Valley Green projects. It was an incredible, unusual experience. We ran a cord through the window and plugged the PA and amps into that and played right in the courtyard. It was an incredible experience. It was just local kids.
Games take years to make, and it's important that when we launch, it can't just be a great launch catalog and then a desert for a really long time. To be honest, for a lot of developers, they'd rather not be competing at launch with all this other software.
The hugely popular Windows 95 operating system revolutionized the software world thanks to its capability of accomplishing the seemingly impossible task of making Bill Gates even richer than he already was.
That 95 per cent. fail of those who start in business upon their own account seems incredible, and yet such are said to be the statistics upon the subject.
You know the people who have the bumper stickers that say "Windows 95 = Mac '89"? These are the faithful, and I respect their faith, but I would like to respectfully point out that faith is dangerous. Religion kills.
Our Windows 10 experience is super polished, and it integrates all the community features seamlessly with the game experience.
Working on 'Mad Men' was an incredible experience. It was such an incredible show with beautiful writing and so much complexity.