A Quote by Sydney Banks

Your thoughts are like the artist's brush. They create a personal picture of the reality you live in. — © Sydney Banks
Your thoughts are like the artist's brush. They create a personal picture of the reality you live in.
Your thoughts create reality. The most pragmatic way to create world peace is to use your power of visualization. Think Peace, Act Peace, Spread Peace, Imagine Peace. Your thoughts will soon cover the planet. The most important thing is to believe in your power. It works.
Before a painter puts a brush to his canvas, he sees his picture mentally.... If you think of yourself in terms of a painting, what do you see?... Is the picture one you think worth painting?... You create yourself in the image you hold in your mind.
Just remember your thoughts control your whole reality. Everything you think of you can accomplish. Your thoughts are your reality. People realize that and everybody would be up.
Your thoughts do not create reality, but they do create your experience.
Just like it's not healthy to think overly negative thoughts, exaggeratedly positive thoughts can be equally detrimental. If you overestimate how much of a positive impact a particular change will have on your life, you may end up feeling disappointed when reality doesn't live up to your fantasy.
Be an artist of consciousness. Your picture of reality is your most important creation. Make it powerfully profoundly beautiful.
Reality is not so much what happens to us; rather, it is how we think about those events that create the reality we experience. In a very real sense, this means that we each create the reality in which we live.
Your thoughts create your reality. Your mind is more powerful than you know.
We live within this reality we create, and we're quite unaware of how we create the reality. So the work is often a general koan into how we go about forming this world in which we live, in particular with seeing.
Having a great golf swing helps under pressure, but golf is a game about scoring. It's like an artist who can get a two-inch brush at Wal-Mart for 20 cents or a fine camel-hair brush from an art store for 20 dollars. The brush doesn't matter - how the finished painting looks is what matters.
They shaved my head, eyebrows. This is not a sci-fi picture. It's not a fantasy picture. You're dealing with something that's supposed to be in reality. But we had a genius makeup artist.
Once you begin to understand and truly master your thoughts and feelings, that's when you see how you create your own reality.
You create your thoughts, your thoughts create your intentions, and your intentions create your reality.
I try to create an image to suit my music. These days, you have to create your own personal brand as an artist. It's not about just putting music out any more unfortunately.
To do something perfectly, you must not think about what you are doing at all ... Your thoughts are what create imperfections in your actions. They alienate you from the true reality of any action you perform.
Whatever you experience in your life is really but the outpicturing of your own thoughts and beliefs. Now, you can change these thoughts and beliefs, and then the outer picture must change too. The outer picture cannot change until you change your thought.
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