A Quote by Sydney J. Harris

Almost no one is foolish enough to imagine that he automatically deserves great success in any field of activity; yet almost everyone believes that he automatically deserves success in marriage.
I connect deeply with SAVE's mission and I realize it doesn't matter which specific group you're fighting for, that everyone deserves equality, everyone deserves safety, and everyone deserves to be able to live their lives free of hate, fear and discrimination.
When I imagine some music in my mind, almost automatically, I imagine the piano keys.
Individuals who succeed have a belief in the power of commitment. If there's a single belief that seems almost inseparable from success, it's that there's no great success without commitment. If you look at successful people in any field, you'll find they're not necessarily the best and the brightest, the fastest and the strongest. You'll find they're the ones with the most commitment.
..why is it that in problematic situations almost everyone resorts to axioms and societal remedies that in actuality almost nobody believes in?...ask yourself, have you ever known anyone whose marriage was saved by a marriage counselor, whose drinking was cured by a psychiatrist, whose son was kept out of reform school by a social worker?
Determine to become one of the best. Sufficient money will almost automatically follow if you get to be one of the 'best' in your chosen field, whatever it is.
Now there is such a closed loop between realness and commercialism that one has to question why do more and more and more of those pictures. It's almost like everybody deserves a book about themselves, and everybody deserves a whole issue of Vice magazine devoted to them.
I think everyone deserves their place in this sport, and Bisping has been around, and he's fought hard and deserves to be the champion.
Success in almost any field depends more on energy and drive than it does on intelligence. This explains why we have so many stupid leaders.
Success treads on the heels of every right effort; and though it is possible to overestimate success to the extent of almost deifying it, as is sometimes done, still in any worthy pursuit it is meritorious.
In a sense, a hit belongs to the person who made it popular, but if a tune is good enough to attain tremendous success, then it certainly deserves more than one version, one treatment, one approach.
An inevitable question asked of a performer who has made a modest success of his career is, 'How has success changed you?' It's a loaded question because it automatically assumes that there has been a change. And, in a sense, the assumption is a correct one. Basically, however, most people remain pretty much the same.
Mayors of New York are almost automatically national figures.
Almost everything that almost everyone believes is wrong.
Every kid in our state deserves an opportunity for success.
Yeah, I'm from Jersey; it's almost like I was automatically born a Nets fan.
Anyone who puts 110% into their work deserves as much success as they can get.
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