A Quote by Sylvia Engdahl

The human mind is incredible. It can do nothing without belief, yet practically anything with it. —Elana's father — © Sylvia Engdahl
The human mind is incredible. It can do nothing without belief, yet practically anything with it. —Elana's father
Life and death are nothing but the mind. Years, months, days, and hours are nothing but the mind. Dreams, illusions, and mirages are nothing but the mind. The bubbles of water and the flames of fire are nothing but the mind. The flowers of the spring and the moon of the autumn are nothing but the mind. Confusions and dangers are nothing but the mind.
The Bible, taken as a whole, can be used to praise or condemn practically any human activity, thought, belief, or practice.
The four characteristics of humanism are curiosity, a free mind, belief in good taste, and belief in the human race.
Belief is in ignorance. If you know, you know. And it is good that if you don’t know, know that you don’t know — the belief can deceive you. The belief can create an atmosphere in your mind, where, without knowing, you start thinking that you know. Belief is not trust, and the more strongly you say that you believe totally, the more you are afraid of the doubt within you.
I have wrestled with death. It is the most unexciting contest you can imagine. It takes place in an impalpable greyness, with nothing underfoot, with nothing around, without spectators, without clamour, without glory, without the great desire of victory, without the great fear of defeat, in a sickly atmostphere of tepid scepticism, without much belief in your own right, and still less in that of your adversary.
The human imagination can connect to practically anything.
The heart is what is important." There is nothing more vulnerable, nothing more corruptible than the human mind; nor is there anything as powerful, steadfast and ennobling.
The most incredible thing is that so much happens outside of the will. You can't will anything. Not even solitude is an act of will. You simply endure it. You must hold on until the very end, without weakening. You can do nothing else. But you must not believe that because you accept being nothing, you are anyone special.
The highest power is the human mind. That's where God came from and my belief in God is my belief in myself.
The world can forgive practically anything except people who mind their own business.
It might be suggested, and not easily disproven that anything, no matter how exotic, can be believed by someone. On the other hand, abstract belief is largely impossible; it is the concrete, the actuality of the cup, the candle, the sacrificial stone, which hardens belief; the statue is nothing until it cries, the philosophy is nothing until the philosopher is martyred.
Perhaps it is not without reason that we attribute facility in belief and conviction to simplicity and ignorance; for it seems to me I once learned that belief was sort of an impression made on our mind, and that the softer it is the less resistant t.
When you are up close to an opera singer, hearing this incredible volume of noise coming from a human being - it's beyond belief.
When you are up close to an opera singer, hearing this incredible volume of noise coming from a human being - its beyond belief.
One cannot have a trade union or a democratic election without freedom of speech, freedom of association and assembly. Without a democratic election, whereby people choose and remove their rulers, there is no method of securing human rights against the state. No democracy without human rights, no human rights without democracy, and no trade union rights without either. That is our belief; that is our creed.
Entrepreneurship is the ability to create and build from a vision practically anything; fundamentally it is a human, creative act.
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