A Quote by T. Colin Campbell

First, nutrition is the master key to human health. Second, what most of us think of as proper nutrition--isn't. — © T. Colin Campbell
First, nutrition is the master key to human health. Second, what most of us think of as proper nutrition--isn't.
Once you learn the basic rules of good nutrition, you'll realize it's not so complicated. It doesn't matter if you're running errands or 13 miles, you need enough fuel to last all day. Proper nutrition is the difference between feeling exhausted and getting the most out of a workout.
Just because a child's parents are poor or uneducated is no reason to deprive the child of basic human rights to health care, education and proper nutrition.
Nutrition is an exciting, dynamic field - there are more than 10,000 articles published on human nutrition in medical journals every year.
I know of nothing else in medicine that can come close to what a plant-based diet can do. In theory, if everyone were to adopt this, I really believe we can cut health care costs by seventy to eighty percent. That's amazing. And it all comes from understanding nutrition, applying nutrition, and just watching the results.
Head Start has been a key component of health, nutrition and early learning opportunities since the 1960s.
Don't most of us agree that providing school meals to kids who need them is an overwhelmingly good thing? After all, nutrition is essential to proper cognitive development.
In 1946, Oxford University in England was offered large funds to create a new Institute of Human Nutrition. The University refused the funds on the ground that the knowledge of human nutrition was essentially complete, and that the proposed institution would soon run out of meaningful research projects.
I have been dealing with those types of complicated things and my scholastic background, so I think that helps me - my nutrition and my understanding of the human body, and the processes for recovery and proper dietary restrictions.
I have learned a lot of interesting things about nutrition in my cricket career but the biggest lesson of all is to ensure your healthy eating habits are sustainable. The best way to eat healthily is to think of nutrition as a lifestyle, not as a diet.
Promotion of health generally by improving the standard of living. From the health point of view we are in this connexion first and foremost interested in the three fundamental environmental factors: housing (including family life), nutrition, and working conditions (including human relations as well as material conditions).
It's all about how you treat your body. It's proper rest and proper nutrition.
True beauty comes from the inside out. It emerges from proper thinking, as well as proper nutrition and exercise.
You cannot achieve environmental security and human development without addressing the basic issues of health and nutrition.
I think, for me, I really looked at nutrition, talked to some people who knew a lot about nutrition, looked at different meal plans... calorie intake and what I was trying to do. I started slowly. I didn't start as a 'diet.' I started as a lifestyle change.
I think there could hardly be a more important subject than health and nutrition.
Every public school in the country should have a nutrition-education curriculum. We're creating a pilot program at my son's school. We are looking to create a replicable model that can help bring good nutrition to all children.
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