A Quote by T Cooper

I love anything to do with serial killers. — © T Cooper
I love anything to do with serial killers.
Writing a new film about cereal killers. Not serial killers, cereal killers. The main character can eat two, three boxes at a time.
While we are being fascinated by the tales of famous serial killers and how they were brought to justice, the real serial killer goes about his business with hardly a thought to being caught.
I don't like things about serial killers. There's so much serial killer information out there in documentaries constantly. A lot of it's just sort of gratuitous or it's almost like pornographic, really. There's no reason for it being shown.
I read a lot about serial killers.
We assume people we know can't be serial killers.
In reality, serial killers are of average intelligence.
Really, no-one is bad except for serial killers and dictators.
Men who drink herbal teas are seldom serial killers.
Think: who has vans, huh? Soccer moms and serial killers.
All serial killers want to win. They choose victims they can kill successfully.
There are many more serial killers living outside the prison walls than inside.
I don't like movies about serial killers, necessarily; it's too real and unpleasant for me.
I've met serial killers and professional assassins and nobody scared me as much as MrsT.
I read extensively about serial killers and all sorts of things people get up to.
Outside of dumb luck, the number one way serial killers are caught is through the help of the public.
One of the things that I discovered in my research is that some serial killers build an ultimate reality around themselves that they believe in, 100%.
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