A Quote by T. Harv Eker

Where attention goes, energy flows and results show. — © T. Harv Eker
Where attention goes, energy flows and results show.
Where Attention goes Energy flows; Where Intention goes Energy flows!
Energy flows where attention goes.
We become what we think about. Energy flows where attention goes.
Attention is the key; for where man's attention goes, there goes his energy, and he himself can only follow.
I've never been a very prolific person, so when creativity flows, it flows. I find myself scribbling on little notepads and pieces of loose paper, which results in a very small portion of my writings to ever show up in true form.
Where intention goes, energy flows.
Where the mind goes energy flows.
Where focus goes, energy flows.
You can enjoy the present moment, and you can be aligned with the doing. A different state of consciousness, then, is the foundation for what you do. Presence flows into what you do. Even though what you do may be the same, there is a fundamental difference: The energy that flows into what you do, although it may be high energy, is very peaceful energy. It is not out of alignment with life.
Where focus goes, energy flows. And where energy flows, whatever you're focusing on grows. In other words, your life is controlled by what you focus on. That's why you need to focus on where you want to go, not on what you fear. When you next find yourself in a state of uncertainty, resist your fear. Shift your focus toward where you want to go and your actions will take you in that direction.
Buddhism is perception, gaining control of the mind and directing one's attention, to raise the kundalini energy so that it flows with such volatility and force that we simply perceive life correctly.
The energy that flows into what you do, although it may be high energy, is very peaceful energy. It is not out of alignment with life.
Rely on renewable energy flows that are always there whether we use them or not, such as, sun, wind and vegetation: on energy income, not depletable energy capital.
Where focus goes, energy flows. And if you don't take the time to focus on what matters, then you're living a life of someone else's design.
When you show deep empathy toward others, their defensive energy goes down, and positive energy replaces it. That's when you can get more creative in solving problems.
I sincerely believe that energy grows from itself and the more energy you expand the more you create within yourself. I also believe that energy is habit -- which can be created quite easily. In other words, use your energy and more energy flows and then it is very hard to stop it -- as if one would ever want to!
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