A Quote by T. Harv Eker

'Secrets Of The Millionaire Mind' was born out of my own journey of self-discovery within both my personal and professional life. — © T. Harv Eker
'Secrets Of The Millionaire Mind' was born out of my own journey of self-discovery within both my personal and professional life.
Real spiritual journey in life is the discovery of self. I think once you take all the religious bullshit away from Jesus Christ, it's saying it's about this journey of discovering who you are, and what's really important in life is simply love. That the journey of civilization, the journey of understanding, is forgiveness, is empathy. And that's what humanity is striving for.
I don't think your personal life has anything to do with your professional life. They are separate things. Whatever is happening at home shouldn't be carried to work. Everyone has his/her own journey. Some revel in the fact that they derive that from personal contentment, and others draw it from extreme sorrow.
Love looks to the eternal. Love is indeed "ecstasy," not in the sense of a moment of intoxication, but rather as a journey, an on-going exodus out of the closed inward-looking self toward its liberation through self-giving... toward authentic self-discovery and indeed the discovery of God.
I think a spiritual journey is not so much a journey of discovery. It's a journey of recovery. It's a journey of uncovering your own inner nature. It's already there.
Often one is more attached to the journey than to the discovery... because the journey happens in the mind... the discovery happens in the heart.
Confidentiality refers to the boundaries surrounding shared secrets and to the process of guarding these boundaries. While confidentiality protects much that is not in fact secret, personal secrets lie at its core. The innermost, the vulnerable, often the shameful: these aspects of self-disclosure help explain why one name for professional confidentiality has been "the professional secret." Such secrecy is sometimes mistakenly confused with privacy; yet it can concern many matters in no way private, but that someone wishes to keep from the knowledge of third parties.
I've learned, finally, how to balance work with having a personal life. I had to separate my personal and my professional life but now that I only have loving people in my life my personal and professional life blend together.
Our life's journey of self-discovery is not a straight-line rise from one level of consciousness to another. Instead, it is a series of steep climbs and flat plateaus, then further climbs. Even though we all approach the journey from different directions, certain of the journey's characteristics are common to all of us.
Bring your whole self to work. I don't believe we have a professional self Monday through Friday and a real self the rest of the time. It is all professional and it is all personal.
Ultimately, I want people to be inspired to go on their own journey of self-discovery.
The journey toward self-discovery is life's greatest adventure.
I don't believe we have a professional self Monday through Friday and a real self the rest of the time. It is all professional, and it is all personal.
The journey into self-love and self-acceptance must begin with self-examination. ... until you take the journey of self-reflection, it is almost impossible to grow or learn in life.
Marrying Martin and the movement perfected my journey of discovery, soothed my yearning to pour out the values and vision within my soul.
For me, being professional is being at the top level in both my personal life and professional life.
I believe the arts are the best way to help people go on a journey of self-discovery toward their own compassion and empathy for humanity and themselves.
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