A Quote by Talib Kweli

But you have to be creative on how you sell yourself and market yourself. — © Talib Kweli
But you have to be creative on how you sell yourself and market yourself.
When you come from the wrestling world, you are taught to do everything for yourself: market yourself, plan for yourself, design for yourself.
I think that when you decide to dedicate yourself to creative endeavors and surround yourself with people who are creative, you very quickly learn how hard it is to survive doing those kinds of things, not to mention make a living at them.
Love yourself. Respect yourself. Never sell yourself short. Believe in yourself regardless of what people think. You can accomplish anything, absolutely anything, if you set your mind to it.
You can be mediocre, the way most actors are, and you can still be a top movie star, even if your movies are boring and predictable. All you have to do is know how to sell yourself, let yourself be manufactured.
You want to sell records, but if you want to call yourself an artist, your job is how you express yourself.
The best way to sell yourself to others is first to sell the others to yourself. Check yourself against this list of obstacles to a pleasing personality: interrupting others; sarcasm; vanity; being a poor listener; insincere flattery; finding fault; challenging others without good cause; giving unsolicited advice; complaining; attitude of superiority; envy of others' success; poor posture and dress.
Life is challenging. I wish I could tell you that you’ll always be on top of the mountain, but the reality is that there are days when nothing will go right, when not only will you not be on top, you may not even be able to figure out which way is up. Do yourself a favor, and don’t make it any harder than it has to be. In those moments, be careful how you speak to yourself; be careful how you think of yourself; be careful how you conduct yourself; be careful how you develop yourself.
So much of how you look at yourself in the mirror reflects how you feel about yourself, and how you comport yourself.
I never sell a book. I sell myself. And the way to sell yourself is to be an instrument of love.
My lesson would be to not sell yourself to anybody else and stay true to yourself.
The best way to sell yourself to others is first to sell the others to yourself.
Your most important sale in life is to sell yourself to yourself.
On your worst days do not look in the mirror and call yourself pretty. Call yourself trying, call yourself surviving, call yourself learning how to get through a day, a week, a month or year. Call yourself still learning.
Know yourself. Feel yourself. Love yourself. Respect yourself. Take good care of yourself. You are your most precious possession on Earth.
Embrace and love all of yourself - past, present, and future. Forgive yourself quickly and as often as necessary. Encourage yourself. Tell yourself good things about yourself.
I'm always talking about loving yourself and expressing yourself and learning how to love yourself. I'm still the same.
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