A Quote by Tammy Faye Bakker

People think that if they read something in the newspaper or see it on TV, it has to be true. — © Tammy Faye Bakker
People think that if they read something in the newspaper or see it on TV, it has to be true.
I can't think of a single one of my plays that does not represent a coincidence between an external and an internal event. Something outside of me, outside even my own life, something I read in a newspaper or witness on the street, something I see or hear, fascinates me. I see it for its dramatic potential.
They've been screaming about the death of literacy for years, but I think TV is the Gutenberg [printing] press. I think TV is the only thing that keeps us vaguely in democracy even if it's in the hands of the corporate culture. If you're an artist you write in your time. Moaning about the fact that maybe people read more books a hundred years ago - that's not true. I think the same percentage has always read.
When you see Pep on TV or read his words in the newspaper, it is the portrait of a man who is the ultimate professional. But when you work with him, you don't just come to see him as a coach. You learn about his qualities as a man. It is that side of Pep Guardiola that the people on the outside don't get to see.
I think most people read and re-read the things that they have liked. That's certainly true in my case. I re-read Pound a great deal, I re-read Williams, I re-read Thomas, I re-read the people whom I cam to love when I was at what you might call a formative stage.
You see, I'm a believer in the rhapsodic. I like things that are happy. For no particular reason, I just like them. Most people don't seem to be like that in this particular place, in this world. You can tell by what they focus on. Read a newspaper, watch a TV show, go to a movie, look at a life.
... people in the newspaper industry saw the web as a newspaper. People in TV saw the web as TV, and people in book publishing saw it as a weird kind of potential book. But the web is not just some kind of magic all-absorbing meta-medium. It's its own thing.
Given how few young people actually read the newspaper, it's a good thing they'll be reading a newspaper on a screen.
One of the things that amazes me is the amount of functional illiteracy in this country... people can't read to get around, or people who can't read the newspaper but can barely read street signs.
I read everywhere. It's like a bodily function. I don't need quiet. I write and read with the TV on. I follow the TV show while I read. TV doesn't require a lot of brainpower.
Sometimes, when you see the newspaper and you read something I said, you say, 'Oh, I can't believe he said that.'
I think it works if there's something online that is not in the show, or in a newspaper, if there's some added value to it - reading a newspaper on line, sometimes you can get video, which you can't get from reading a newspaper.
The truth is, for me, when I was a young black girl who knew I was different, was watching TV, I would always be staring at the TV set looking for myself, and I didn't see me. And when you don't see yourself, you start to think that you don't matter, or you start to think that something is wrong with you.
To be taught to read—what is the use of that, if you know not whether what you read is false or true? To be taught to write or to speak—but what is the use of speaking, if you have nothing to say? To be taught to think—nay, what is the use of being able to think, if you have nothing to think of? But to be taught to see is to gain word and thought at once, and both true.
I couldn't open up a magazine, you couldn't read a newspaper, you couldn't turn on the TV without hearing about the obesity epidemic in America.
If you don't read the newspaper, you're uninformed. If you read the newspaper, you're mis-informed.
You see now more girls getting involved in their sports because they can see it on TV and see these people playing, and I think - the more and more it's exposed and is out there - it will continue to grow and grow. They watch it on TV and think, 'Well, that could be me!'
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