A Quote by Tan Cheng Bock

As borders take time to reopen, we will make sure the Government spends our reserves to nurture strong local businesses. To grow local supply chains. And to encourage innovation. This is important because local businesses will be Singapore's growth catalyst in our post-COVID economy.
Entrepreneurship is baked into the DNA of the Kansas Third District, and I'm proud to work with my colleagues in both parties to make sure our local businesses have the tools they need to take care of their employees, grow their companies, and contribute to our economy.
With more money to spend, workers can take their families to local restaurants, buy cars at local auto dealers and shop at local stores. That causes growth in these businesses, which can result in the creation of more jobs.
Anybody interested in solving, rather than profiting from, the problems of food production and distribution will see that in the long run the safest food supply is a local food supply, not a supply that is dependent on a global economy. Nations and regions within nations must be left free and should be encouraged to develop the local food economies that best suit local needs and local conditions.
Local television is a slightly different story. It is under much more pressure in the same way that all local businesses are, whether that's a local newspaper, local radio or local television. But I think television in the aggregate is actually in very good shape.
High-speed Internet access won't stop future superstorms and it won't solve all the unfairness that low-income New Yorkers face. But with strong alliances between community members, local nonprofits, businesses and technology experts, it will bring affordable, local innovation that helps us build stronger, fairer and more resilient communities.
Every bit of money that we can bring from our federal transportation budget in Washington back here to Stewart Airport will benefit our local economy and our local residents.
At the end of the day local authorities are responsible for economic growth in their area. They don't buy and sell businesses, they don't build businesses, what they do is work to attract businesses their area, through a combination of things.
This is reality - an unstable state budget will not only hurt children and working families in our state, it will devastate communities, businesses and local government as well.
Buy local fruits and veggies at the grocery store. You will support local businesses and cut down on all the fuel that is used to truck produce around from state to state.
Smart development builds on a region's own skills, resources and local businesses. Dumb growth invites a big corporation in, surrenders control and profits to a distant headquarters, undercuts local manufacturers, and risks layoffs without warning.
We will not allow Justin Trudeau to keep spending billions wrecking our economy and then forcing local businesses - the very people who create jobs and opportunities in their communities - to pay the bill.
If we can make it easier to put smaller, local, minority-owned, and women-owned businesses to work, our communities and our state will benefit.
The capacity of the commonwealth government created under the local constitution to exercise governmental powers in local affairs is like that of local government in the states of the union in regard to non-federal affairs at the local level.
If you're living in the community and you own your local businesses and you're engaged in the local economy you should have a definite interest in the strength and health of your community, the caring relationships that bind people together.
As governor, I will always be willing to work with people who have ideas to offer and are ready to roll up their sleeves. That kind of teamwork will build a New Hampshire that will lead the nation and compete with the world. Together, we will help our businesses grow and build a stronger economy on a vision of innovation and growth.
That is one of the reasons why we have raised this matter about the need to focus quite sharply on the function of local government, but also on the resourcing of local government. Because it may very well be that we say to local government, you have got to run an indigent policy.
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