A Quote by Tan France

It doesn't matter if the item isn't your favorite thing as long it fits well. — © Tan France
It doesn't matter if the item isn't your favorite thing as long it fits well.
Well my favorite thing about being a mom is getting to relive your childhood all over again, that's one of my favorite things. And my favorite thing about being a wife? I have more freedom to just be crazy, because he's already stuck with me.
Molde fits me very well; Man United fits me very well because it's in me. It's in your personality. It's ingrained in you. I understand the club.
If somebody says, 'Well, what are your favorite composers?' really, what they are saying is, 'What are your favorite composers apart from Bach?' Because obviously, Bach is your favorite composer if you are involved in music at all.
It doesn't matter if you start the game: as long as you finish it well and the team wins, that's the main thing.
I really don't care what I look like as long as it fits with the thing I'm working on.
You know, all mystics - Catholic, Christian, non-Christian, no matter what their theology, no matter what their religion - are unanimous on one thing: that all is well, all is well. Though everything is a mess, all is well. Strange paradox, to be sure. But, tragically, most people never get to see that all is well because they are asleep. They are having a nightmare.
I always come to conclusions very fast. Well, that is one way of thinking, and the other way would be that I lack the necessary perseverance to stick to one thing that really fits me. I don't know if it's a good thing or bad thing.
There are many diamonds in the world and if you lose your favorite, you can work hard, earn a lot of money and get another one to replace it. But the moments of your life aren't like that. Once they're gone, they'll never return. Each and every one is the most precious thing in existence. You can never meaningfully compare one moment with any other. You can never meaningfully compare your life with anyone else's. No matter how rich someone else may be, no matter how happy they look, no matter how enlightened they seem, they can never be you. Never, ever, ever. Only you can live your life.
It doesn't matter who you have hurt, if you've learned not to hurt again. It doesn't matter what mistakes you've made as long as you don't make them again. As long as you learn, as long as you're willing to take your life in your hands, and kiss it and go from there. Then there is growth. There there is life!
I reap benefits outside of work, as well as hardships because of work. You deal with it. It's no different than your favorite actor or your favorite ballplayer. You pinch us, we still gotta go 'ouch.' Some people think your life is so vainglorious that you're unpinchable.
Hand fits giving, so do it, that's what the Gospel said to me. Life fits living, so let your judgments go.
When you're adapting a novel, there are always scenes taken out of the book, and no matter which scenes they are, it's always someone's favorite. As a screenwriter, you realize, 'Well, it doesn't work if you include everyone's favorite scenes.'
My favorite jacket is an emergency item. Much like myself, it is both snuggly and fashionable.
One of my favorite products at Warby Parker also happens to be our worst-selling item: the monocle.
No matter if the path is tough, and your nights are long,So long as your cause is noble and your mind is strong.
I have a lot of feminist idols. My favorite thing about growing up in Arkansas - well, not favorite but something I've always felt grateful for - was that I really had to dig for what I could. There was no Internet. There wasn't tons of feminist literature floating around.
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