A Quote by Tanya Huff

Bards were terrible at keeping secrets. They insisted on putting them to music. — © Tanya Huff
Bards were terrible at keeping secrets. They insisted on putting them to music.
I'm terrible at keeping secrets.
I needed to recognize those secrets I was keeping from myself- secrets I had buried long ago. I needed Post Secret just as much as the other people who were mailing me their secrets.
Among all men on the earth bards have a share of honor and reverence, because the muse has taught them songs and loves the race of bards.
I'm good at keeping secrets. My friends always tell me their secrets because I keep them well.
There are some secrets that we think we're keeping, but those secrets are actually keeping us.
When they got here, when they successfully emigrated - and not everybody that came through Ellis Island was accepted. If you were sick you were not allowed in. If you had any kind of a disease, we were in the process of trying to wipe out all these diseases. We did that by keeping people who had them out of the country. You might look at it today as, "Wow, that was really mean." No. It was putting America first. It was putting the American people first, and it was a realization that we can't take everybody.
I'm not convinced that every secret has to be published. I think there are secrets worth keeping, and I think there are secrets not worth keeping.
I tried to keep us together, you were busy keeping secrets
I'm not really good at keeping my own secrets. I can keep other people's secrets pretty well. Unless they're really good and people deserve to hear them. And I'll disseminate the information accordingly.
There were others, women with stories that were told in a quieter voice: women who hid Jewish children in their homes, putting themselves directly in harm's way to save others. Too many of them paid a terrible, unimaginable price for their heroism. And like so many women in wartime, they were largely forgotten after the war's end.There were no parades for them, very few medals, and almost no mention in the history books.
I've always been intrigued by the power of secrets. When is it justifiable to keep them from the ones we love? And does keeping them irrevocably change who we are?
...women are better at keeping secrets, but men are more comfortable with them.
Just as I have insisted on his worth, he has always insisted on my strength, insisted that my capacity is greater than I believe. And I know, without being told, that's what love does, when it's right-it makes you more than you were, more than you thought you could be. This is right.
The main thing known about secrets is that keeping them is unhealthy for the brain.
My job is basically organising things, putting labels on them and keeping them straight!
Alec isn't good at keeping secrets from me! He told me beforehand that he was going to propose. I really love that about him, that we have no secrets.
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