A Quote by Tavis Smiley

Fear, fear, breeds hopelessness. When you're afraid, you don't know what to believe in, you don't know what to hold on to. You're struggling to find something to believe in.
Do I fear death? No, I am not afraid of being dead because there's nothing to be afraid of, I won't know it. I fear dying, of dying I feel a sense of waste about it and I fear a sordid death, where I am incapacitated or imbecilic at the end which isn't something to be afraid of, it's something to be terrified of.
As long as we believe ourselves to be even the least different from God, fear remains with us; but when we know ourselves to be the One, fear goes; of what can we be afraid.?
I do not fear death. I know it is coming, and I do not fear it, because I believe there is nothing on the other side of death to fear.
The tighter you try and hold on to something that you are afraid of losing, the more you are pushing it away.Those thoughts are filled with fear, and if you continue to persist, what you fear the most will come upon you. Fear nothing - just think about what you want. It feels so much better!
Anxiety is an extension of the dynamics of fear. It's the feeling of fear without an awareness of the object of your fear. All you know is that you're fearful, but you can't specify exactly what you are afraid of. You just worry about everything.
There is a virtuous fear, which is the effect of faith; and there is a vicious fear, which is the product of doubt. The former leads to hope, as relying on God, in whom we believe; the latter inclines to despair, as not relying on God, in whom we do not believe. Persons of the one character fear to lose God; persons of the other character fear to find Him.
The actor already comes with emotions to the scene: fear, the fear of being in front of the camera. It is this fear that spurs the emotion of the scene. I too am afraid; I don't know exactly what I am searching for. On the set, we are all participating in this fear together.
Getting to know the feel of both emotional energies, fear and courage, will enable you to choose courage more consciously. You don't want fear's energy running rampant in your beautiful self, even if you know its root. Whenever you're afraid, invoke courage to transform fear, the formula for freedom.
We are such skeptics that we find it difficult to believe in God and angels and a spiritual afterlife, but a moment of fear makes our spirit so vulnerable that it allows us to believe in something beyond that.
For me, personally, when I'm afraid of something - when you're afraid of something, normally you try to go away, you try to avoid it. Instead of avoiding it, to overcome your fear, I believe you need to embrace it.
I hate the point where you have to get off the ladder, or get back on. I don't know if that's a fear of heights, or literally a fear of falling. I want to be afraid to fall. That seems like a good fear.
Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy.
So over you is the greatest enemy a man can have โ€” and that is fear. I know some of you are afraid to listen to the truth โ€” you have been raised on fear and lies. But I am going to preach to you the truth until you are free of that fear...
Whenever masses of people, especially educated people, know something - and when what they know is something they greatly fear because they believe it affects virtually everything they do or want to do - then most likely we stand in the presence of a vast falsehood.
The difference between fear and panic is knowing what to do. If you have a reliable, effective solution then fear is an asset. You know what to do and fear just makes you do it faster. On the other hand, if you don't know what to do - or don't trust what you know - then you will freeze in terror, because you have no clear goal or way to get there. Fear helps, panic hinders. Fear is your savior, panic your nemesis.
When I'm afraid of something, I'm going at it twice as hard. I don't believe any fear can be conquered by avoiding it.
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