A Quote by Taylor Phinney

When I'm not training day in and day out I love to go out and dance, even though it is potentially in my contract that I'm not allowed to do that. — © Taylor Phinney
When I'm not training day in and day out I love to go out and dance, even though it is potentially in my contract that I'm not allowed to do that.
When Im not training day in and day out I love to go out and dance, even though it is potentially in my contract that Im not allowed to do that.
The best thing about having your brother in the same sport as you means you can go out and train together every day, and we can push each other on. That's something many of our rivals don't have when training day in day out.
When you go to the training ground day after day, there's times when you don't want to do it, especially when you see all the boys go out to training.
I love that you can shoot something on your phone, or shoot something on these small Cannon cameras, and edit it overnight and get it out there the next day and potentially go viral. And that's huge. It really takes the middle-man out. It allows anybody to become a content creator.
I get really bored really easily, so I'm a big believer and advocate of changing it up. One day, I'll do a power yoga or hot yoga day, and then go into a more intense day of HIIT training or boxing. I always have a bit of dance in there too.
I have certain rules that I've established for myself that took a while post-day job to figure out. Everyone says people who freelance or are writers struggle with the structure of it. I'm not allowed to check email before a certain hour. I'm not allowed to run errands during the day. I have to write a certain amount every day.
We were having so much fun that once we were through each day, Tom, Gwen, and I would go, 'OK, let's go out and join all our friends at a dance club now.' And we would do this daily - go out and have a few drinks and dance the night away and at the end of the night go, 'OK, I'll see ya tomorrow at two o'clock, let's do it again.'
I'm anti-Valentine's Day. I don't believe - and this goes for anybody - your man shouldn't love you for one day out of 365. He should love you 365 days out of the year. I want Valentine's Day every day.
I don't even think of myself as a quote, unquote star - that's really douchey. I think of myself as just like . . . a dance commander. You have to have dance parties all day and night, and you always have to be excited about having a dance party. You have to have a dance party in Milan one day, and then wake up and have a dance party at, like, four in the morning on national television in L.A. the next day. The hours are insane.
Baseball is just a game you go out every single day and try to win, go in the cage every day and stick to your routine and try not to be results-based, even though that's what the game is based on.
There's a lot of American citizens out there that do jobs that they hate, day in and day out. For me to do what I love to do, with people that I like and enjoy being around who are chasing the same dream, same passions, to have that around you day in and day out, I think it says a lot.
Love won't be tampered with, love won't go away. Push it to one side and it creeps to the other. Throw it in the garbage and it springs up clean. Try to root it out and it only flourishes. Love is a weed, a dandelion that you poison from your heart. The taproots wait. The seeds blow off, ticklish, into a part of the yard you didn't spray. And one day, though you worked, though you prodded out each spiky leaf, you lift your eyes and dozens of fat golden faces bob in the grass.
Predominantly training myself for so long worked, I had great success. But if I had someone there training me day-in day-out from an early age? It could have been a whole different story.
I just take it one day at a time, try to forget about what I did the day before. Go out there like every day is Opening Day.
We make pictures. At the end of the day, we create something potentially significant that did not exist at the beginning of the day. We go forward, despite the uncertainty. Because this is an act of love and passion, which defies reason and prudence.
I don't go out too much, though I love to dance, but I dont drink.
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