A Quote by Taylor Swift

When I meet my fans, it's not like meeting a stranger. It's like saying hello to someone that I already know. — © Taylor Swift
When I meet my fans, it's not like meeting a stranger. It's like saying hello to someone that I already know.
I don't want to stand in front of a whole lot of fakeys. If I'm going to meet someone and say hello, I want to feel like I'm really meeting that person, not a masked version. I want to give that to people when they meet me. You don't have to like it. I'm not looking for you to like it; I'm looking to be myself.
Meeting Oprah Winfrey, I cried like a baby. Meeting Steven Spielberg, I cried like a baby. Meeting Denzel Washington, I gushed like a crazy woman. If I don't get excited or star struck by someone I've been dying to meet, it's time to retire.
I like meeting all my fans and signing autographs, although it can all get a bit crazy. Yesterday, for example, a boy just came over and planted a big kiss on my face! I was like, 'Hello?'
She was so beautiful, like someone who you will never meet, but always dream of meeting, like someone who is too good for you.
Maybe one day, I will go to Pakistan and meet these fans who like me and my work. At the end of the day, we are all the same, and meeting my fans there is something that I have on my mind.
The first time I met my father was when I was 25. I was visiting here in Los Angeles, I had not moved here yet. And he came down to meet me. It wasn't emotional, it was like meeting a stranger.
I don't like hello. It makes me sound like I have dementia, like I've never heard a phone ring before and I don't know what's supposed to happen next. Hello?
Most of the fans of Calpurnia are 'Stranger Things' fans, which is not a big deal at all. They're super loyal and incredible, and really do like the music. It's the people who aren't fans of the music and are just there because of 'Stranger Things' that really bother me.
When you say 'Hello Wembley!' you're not just saying hello to a large shed. You're saying, 'Hello, I'm following all the greats that have played here before.'
I like meeting people on a genuine level. Like, 'OK, if this person wants to meet me and I want to meet them, let's do it.' I don't like forcing things.
I don't like dates. If you meet someone that you like then meet them out somewhere. That's good because that's comfortable. I don't like the feeling of going to pick someone up that I don't know that well at their house and then take them to kind of a formal restaurant.
Mostly, it's flattering to meet fans. As long as it's in a planned, professional meeting, rather than, say, someone dropping by my home, which is not as pleasant.
You never know what kind of impact you can have on someone by just saying hello.
I go down the street, I say hello to everybody, a stranger or otherwise. I know that they do not know me, but I like to say hello and I think they appreciate it. I notice their faces light up with a smile and I believe that if all the people in our great city...would do that, the whole world would begin to say it is the "Friendly City." You can do a tremendous thing here. We get so absorbed, we do not always speak to our friends. Speak to them, even strangers, you are not going to give offense.
A couple of times in your life, it happens like that. You meet a stranger, and all you know is that you need to know everything about him.
Percy, meet Gladiola. Gladiola, Percy." I stared at Annabeth, figuring she'd crack up at this practical joke they were playing on me, but she looked deadly serious. "I'm not saying hello to a pink poodle," I said. "Forget it." "Percy," Annabeth said. "I said hello to the poodle. You say hello to the poodle." The poodle growled. "I said hello to the poodle.
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