A Quote by Ted Cruz

There's an old joke that politics is Hollywood for ugly people. An awful lot of the press coverage about Washington reads like coverage of Hollywood. Madonna is having some spat with Sean Penn. Who cares? And who cares which politician is mad at that politician?
Coverage of Iraq has plummeted, because people in power no longer want to talk about it suddenly. Journalists should be over there demanding front-page coverage, lead-story coverage every day. They should be demanding that no politician running for federal office can go to bed until they say what the hell they're going to do about Iraq and what how accountable they are for it.
Washington D.C. politics is like Hollywood for ugly people.
Nobody cares what any politician in Washington says.
A lot of people who voted for Barack Obama expected and were led to expect something new in politics: a new tone of political discourse in Washington. And I think - I think they're disappointed, because Barack Obama is not a new kind of politician. In fact, he's an old Chicago politician.
Washington is a Hollywood for ugly people. Hollywood is a Washington for the simpleminded.
Say what you will about Donald Trump, he cares. He cares about things I don't, and he has some awful ideas, and he is an amoral man in so many ways. But, in contrast to Obama, his emotions are no mystery.
I have nothing against Sean Penn. I don't even mind that he ended up divorcing Madonna. I mean, I still like Shia LaBeouf even though he chose to star in Transformers, which turned out to be a movie about robots from space. That Talk. Which is just as bad as choosing to divorce Madonna, if you ask me
I do, in some senses, feel that Hollywood and Washington are similar in that, first of all, they are, again, male-dominated worlds, which is not unusual. There are a lot of industries like that, but also, there's a lot of politics when it comes to the ins and outs of getting things done, getting a film made.
I realise that, strutting around in power corridors for political coverage, a journalist becomes half a politician.
I am not a journalist. I'm just a guy who cares. I'm sorry. I'm just a guy who cares an awful lot about my country.
Madonna was very cool. I thought she was really nice, really present, and she worked really, really hard... She didn't necessarily know our real names in real-life, because why should she? Who cares? Some of the cast were really offended, like, 'She doesn't even know my name!' I'm like, 'Who cares? Madonna's doing our show. It doesn't matter.'
When you live in America, it's kind of insular - the news coverage that you get - unless you're really smart about it and find more international news coverage. I've learned that from my husband. In the French culture, they talk politics.
You need to make sure you're going exactly where your guy goes in press coverage. In zone, you can read the quarterback and his eyes a bit to determine where he's going. You don't get the opportunity in press coverage to read the quarterback, so it's all on you.
Women are the last group anyone cares about in Hollywood.
So this guy, Jeff Johnson, who is an accountant who cares nothing at all about a free press and cares nothing about journalism, he's a right winger who supported the war, you know, who two years ago told people he couldn't stand a word that I wrote.
A lot of politics plays at the level of myth, and if you understand that, then you feel like you have access to the secret language of politics. People respond to political characters in archetypal ways. A fun game is to think of a politician and ask, "Which god is that? Are they like Aries? Are they like Athena?".
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