A Quote by Ted Dekker

But sometimes imperfect tools lead us toward perfect ends. — © Ted Dekker
But sometimes imperfect tools lead us toward perfect ends.
I suppose the Church would be perfect only if it were run by perfect beings. God is perfect, and His doctrine is pure. But He works through us - His imperfect children - and imperfect people make mistakes.
Marriage is two imperfect people committing themselves to a perfect institution, by making perfect vows from imperfect lips before a perfect God.
God bears with imperfect beings even when they resist His goodness. We ought to imitate this merciful patience and endurance. It is only imperfection that complains of what is imperfect. The more perfect we are, the more gentle and quiet we become toward the defects of other people.
The original sin is not that we are inherently flawed, born sinners, or imperfect; the original sin is that we do not recognize, realize that each of us is born perfect, exactly as the universe, God intended us to be. We are all perfect. The universe is perfect. Stop struggling against yourself. Accept that you are perfect. When you do, your highest self will shine through.
Marshall's crime is to pretend to handle imperfect competition with tools only applicable to perfect competition.
I'm always asking questions - not to find 'answers,' but to see where the questions lead. Dead ends sometimes? That's fine. New directions? Interesting. Great insights? Over-ambitious. A glimpse here and there? Perfect.
Love is sometimes shown in the things you don't say, don't keep track of and don't notice. The greatest kindness is often shown in letting things go. None of us is perfect, but we can all be perfect friends and perfect partners by allowing those that we love to be imperfect. Give those around you the 'break' that you hope the world will give you on your own 'bad day' and you'll never, ever regret it.
David Arnold's writing is both heartfelt and hilarious. You will fall in love with Mim, even as her grand journey will keep you guessing. Mosquitoland reminds us that sometimes imperfect is just perfect.
I love this world because it is imperfect. It is imperfect, and that's why it is growing; if it was perfect it would have been dead.
Law is an imperfect profession in which success can rarely be achieved without some sacrifice of principle. Thus all practicing lawyers -- and most others in the profession -- will necessarily be imperfect, especially in the eyes of young idealists. There is no perfect justice, just as there is no absolute in ethics. But there is perfect injustice, and we know it when we see it.
People aren't meant to be perfect. We're all imperfect people looking for perfect moments to share with other imperfect people.
I love this world because it is imperfect. It is imperfect, and that's why it is growing; if it was perfect it would have been dead. Growth is possible only if there is imperfection. I would like you to remember again and again, I am imperfect, the whole universe is imperfect, and to love this imperfection, to rejoice in this imperfection is my whole message.
Let us not give up. Let us be true to our covenants. Let us never lose sight of our Advocate and Redeemer as we walk toward Him, one imperfect step after another.
When you are ready to accept him for the imperfect man that he is, and find happiness in his imperfect company, you have definitely found love, and the two of you can create the perfect world for each other!
Each of us A cell of awareness Imperfect and incomplete Genetic blends With uncertain ends On a fortune hunt that's far too fleet
Public policy is a study in imperfection. It involves imperfect people, with imperfect information, facing deeply imperfect choices - so it's not surprising that they're getting imperfect results.
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