A Quote by Ted Godwin

My current works are abstracts cunningly disguised as landscapes. It is the Canadian way. — © Ted Godwin
My current works are abstracts cunningly disguised as landscapes. It is the Canadian way.
A Canadian is a Canadian is a Canadian. And you devalue the citizenship of every Canadian in this place and in this country when you break down and make it conditional for anyone.
I went to art school, but I didn't last because in those days you couldn't take comics as a course. And they weren't even teaching you to draw real things, they were really into abstracts, and I was not into abstracts, so art school and I did not work out.
Works of art are landscapes of the mind.
You can be a French Canadian or an English Canadian, but not a Canadian. We know how to live without an identity, and this is one of our marvellous resources.
Some people try to say I'm British by the way I'm speaking. But I think I'm more Canadian, because I speak really slow. Midwestern and Canadian.
We choose the national park idea because it's really the highest form of protection for landscapes that exists under current law, especially in Chile and Argentina.
Whether we make it a condition or just through persuasion or just through popular support, whatever it takes, we really do need to shift through a system of voting where the way the Canadian public votes is the way the Canadian Parliament is formed after the election.
Why is contemporary China short of works that speak directly? Because we writers cannot speak directly, or rather we can only speak in an indirect way.Why does contemporary China lack good works that critique our current situation? Because our current situation may not be critiqued. We have not only lost the right to criticise, but the courage to do so.Why is modern China lacking in great writers? Because all the great writers are castrated while still in the nursery.
It's not at all good when your cancer is 'palpable' from the outside. Especially when, as at this stage, they didn't even know where the primary source was. Carcinoma works cunningly from the inside out. Detection and treatment often work more slowly and gropingly, from the outside in.
Much that passes as idealism is disguised hatred or disguised love of power.
It's disappointing being a Canadian and having friends on that team but that's the way it goes. It's the Olympics. It's disappointing for every Canadian but over the years you've seen the parity with all the teams because it's the best players in the world.
The way the media cycle works, the way the news works, and the way people's attention span works, is that we only learn that people exist when there is crisis.
When a figure painter executes a landscape he treats it as if it were a face; Degas' landscapes are unparalleled because they are visionary landscapes.
The most beautiful landscapes in the world, if they evoke no memory, if they bear no trace of a remarkable event, are uninteresting compared to historic landscapes.
Perhaps I seek certain utopian things, space for human honour and respect, landscapes not yet offended, planets that do not exist yet, dreamed landscapes.
Landscapes, heads and naked women are called artistic photography, while photographs of current events are called press photography.
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