A Quote by Ted Koppel

You can almost measure where you are in life by the degree to which you have begun looking back rather than ahead. — © Ted Koppel
You can almost measure where you are in life by the degree to which you have begun looking back rather than ahead.
One could almost define life as the organized disobedience of the law of gravity. One could show that the degree to which an organism disobeys this law is a measure of its degree of evolution.
Real achievement -- the true measure of how far we have advanced in life -- is not determined by what we have acquired, but rather by the degree to which we have put our fears behind us.
In our lust for measurement, we frequently measure that which we can rather than that which we wish to measure... and forget that there is a difference.
Novels, in my experience, are slow in coming, and once I've begun them I know I have years rather than months of work ahead of me.
The degree of complications and unhappiness in a person's life corresponds to the degree to which he dwells on the way he thinks the world ought to be rather than the way it really is. and being grateful it isn't worse, while trying to make it better.
Pour not on the comforts you want, but upon the mercies you have. Look rather at God's ending in afflicting, than to the measure and degree of your affliction.
It's not about being upset about the things you might have said or done yesterday, which is quite appropriate at the moment. It's about looking forward rather than looking back. I hate people who look back on the past or talk about what might have been.
The measure of the wealth of a nation is indicated by the measure of its protection of its industry; the measure of the poverty of a nation is marked by the degree in which it neglects and abandons the care of its own industry, leaving it exposed to the action of foreign powers.
I have wrinkles here, which are very evident. And I will particularly say when I look at movie posters, 'You guys have airbrushed my forehead. Please can you change it back?' I'd rather be the woman they're saying 'She's looking older' about than 'She's looking stoned.'
I try to measure the amount of truth in a work rather than just looking at the generic distinction between comedy and drama.
There is no greater compliment to the Jews than the fact that the degree of their unpopularity is always the scientific measure of the cruelty and silliness of the regime under which they live.
Whereas 'Avatar' and other movies get shocks out of their three-dimensionality, 'Gatsby' is going to be about inviting the audience into this larger-than-life drama, letting them almost be inside the room rather than looking at it through the window. I think it will really work.
Ahead! Courage! In the spiritual life he who does not advance goes backward. It happens as with a boat which always must go ahead. If it stands still the wind will blow it back.
I like the laid-back, polite, respectful courteous personality cowboys have. Guys almost lay down their life for you if they're your friends. You exist on a handshake rather than a signed contract.
In my life outdoors, I've observed that animals of almost any variety will stand in a windy place rather than in a protected, windless area infested with biting insects. They would rather be annoyed by the wind than bitten.
Hopefully, through all aspects of life, you learn from things you've got right, things you've got wrong, but I'm not one for looking back. I'm looking ahead; you've got to.
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