A Quote by Terence McKenna

The smart people who are straight are involved in simply the media management of what has turned into a slow apocalypse, spreading starvation, exacerbated class differences, toxified agriculture, so forth and so on. I don't believe the Establishment thinks there are solutions. Their policy is basically the management of panic, which is hardly a forward moving approach to the adventure of human civilization.
A Republican establishment member in the media would be David Brooks in the New York Times, the so-called conservative columnist. He's basically a moderate. He favors big government if run by the people he thinks are smart. He's not crazy about conservatives.
Time management is really personal management, life management. and management of yourself.
Security is always going to be a cat and mouse game because there'll be people out there that are hunting for the zero day award, you have people that don't have configuration management, don't have vulnerability management, don't have patch management.
Many think of management as cutting deals and laying people off and hiring people and buying and selling companies. That's not management, that's deal making. Management is the opportunity to help people become better people. Practiced that way, it's a magnificent profession.
I do want to get into the government and work for finance management divisions and policy management, but they are all long-term dreams and I don't know when I'll decide to go for it.
What it takes to do a job will not be learned from management courses. It is principally a matter of experience, the proper attitude, and common sense — none of which can be taught in a classroom... Human experience shows that people, not organizations or management systems, get things done.
We live in a world where the laws are getting so tight that management has changed to micro-management to quantum-management to paralysis.
When I wear the hat of management, it is important that our management behaves and conducts as management accountable to the board.
I have long believed these types of collaborative agreements are a far better approach to federal land management than the contentious battles that too often sidetrack proper resource management.
Management did not emanate from nature. Management is not a tree: it's a television set. Somebody invented it. It doesn't mean it's going to work forever. Management is great. Traditional notions of management are great if you want compliance. But if you want engagement, self-direction works better.
There are programs for the scrapping of appliances, but no one thinks about what's involved in the waste management of brassieres.
Civilization is the intelligent management of human emotions.
The subject of management is man; the objective of management is the moving of man's mind and will and imagination.
I already knew that I wanted to be involved in something that combined management and coding, so I wasn't coding all the time. And I don't want to be in a management position, where that's all I'm doing, and I'm not able to participate in the creation of the technology.
Good money management alone isn't going to increase your edge at all. If your system isn't any good, you're still going to lose money, no matter how effective your money management rules are. But if you have an approach that makes money, then money management can make the difference between success and failure.
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