A Quote by Terence McKenna

The shaman has access to a superhuman dimension and a superhuman condition, and by being able to do that he affirms the potential for transcendence in all people. He is an exemplar, if you will.
Once you have a truly massive amount of information integrated as knowledge, then the human-software system will be superhuman, in the same sense that mankind with writing is superhuman compared to mankind before writing.
There is only one real computer - the universe - whose hardware is made up of non-spatial states of consciousness and software is made up of superhuman as well as non-superhuman thoughts.
We must stitch up what has been torn apart, render justice imaginable in the world which is so obviously unjust, make happiness meaningful for nations poisoned by the misery of this century. Naturally, it is a superhuman task. But tasks are called superhuman when men take a long time to complete them, that is all.
Once the reality sets in of a superhuman intelligence being in control of every aspect of the infrastructures we rely upon for everyday life, we will simply have to try to come to an accommodation with that entity.
Knowing Chris Bennett's Writing as I do, I expected Only Superhuman to have an imaginative plot and a compelling superheroine in Emry Blair. What I hadn't expected was for the backstory to make so much sense. Usually science is the first causality of superhero stories, tossed aside with the breezy rationalization: 'Hey, it's comics!' Only Superhuman is, to my knowledge, the first hard science superhero story. And the Story is the better for it.
I think someone should design exercise machines that reward people with sex at the end of their workouts, because people will perform superhuman feats for even the faint hope of that.
A superhuman will is needed in order to write, and I am only a man.
Within thirty years, we will have the technological means to create superhuman intelligence.
Your superhuman power was to be able not to feel. Is it there inside everybody, this self that comes out while you are in captivity? You become the closest approximation of yourself that can tolerate living there.
I have no superhuman powers. If people don't want to make peace, there is nothing I can do.
When your desires are strong enough you will appear to possess superhuman powers to achieve.
Within thirty years, we will have the technological means to create superhuman intelligence. Shortly after, the human era will be ended.
People try to typecast astronauts as heroic and superhuman. We're only human beings.
I don't think that an artificially intelligent system that has superhuman intelligence will be violent. I do think that it will disrupt our culture.
You do not have to be superhuman to do what you believe in.
Genius: the superhuman in man.
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