A Quote by Terry McMillan

Back then I confused passions and orgasms with love. It look me years to realize the two weren't synonymous. — © Terry McMillan
Back then I confused passions and orgasms with love. It look me years to realize the two weren't synonymous.
It took me two years to realize I had a good solid hit with 'F Troop'... two years to be convinced I was going to stay on, and then they canceled.
For the Patriots, you can be a cheerleader for four years. They can be four consecutive years. You can do two years and take a break, and then come back for two more years. I've actually only completed two years, two seasons with the Patriots cheerleading team.
Nothing. I was confused for two years. I didn't understand anything and I'm still confused.
When I joined Google, it was 1,000 people. It took me two and a half years to look around and realize there weren't a lot of people like me.
I step back further, until I feel cold tiles against my back. It is then I get the glimmer that I associate with memory. As my mind tries to settle on it, it flutters away, like ashes caught in a breeze, and I realize that in my life there is a then, a before, though before what I cannot say, and there is a now, and there is nothing between the two but a long, silent emptiness that has led me here, to me and him, in this house.
When we gaze at a star in the Milky Way which is 50,000 light-years away from our sun, we are looking back 50,000 years in time." "The idea is much too big for my little head." "The only way we can look out into space, then, is to look back in time. We can never know what the universe is like now. We only know what it was like then. When we look up at a star that is thousands of light-years away, we are really traveling thousands of years back in the history of space.
There are some fabulous treasures of photos of me during the early days of my career; there are these pin-up photos that make me laugh: I look like the poor man's Maria Montez. But there are some I look at, and I didn't realize how sexy I looked back then.
It took me 10 years to realize that I don't know 'em, 10 years to realize that it's possible to learn them, then another 10 years to learn how to do things.
I said, 'I'll give myself two years. If I can't support myself as an actress within two years, then I'll go back to choreography.'
I have two passions in my life. One is to raise the awareness of the internment of Japanese-American citizens. My other passion is the theater. And I've been able to wed the two passions.
For me, I have to love it and feel something for it because you're going to be stuck with it for two years, and if you don't love it it's going to look like that on screen.
I was actually grateful for being arrested, for the judge that promised me that I would go to prison if I didn't stay clean, because I listened to him and something clicked. Those two years when we were making album "Ultra" and I had to go back and forth to court to prove to the judge that I'd stayed clean, it gave me this time to suddenly realize, "Oh, I can do this, I can crawl my way back, I can get better. And I do want to be here."
The Arab Spring I think we will look back whether it's two years, five years, ten or fifteen. And say it's a good thing.
I tend to do something for two years then move on to something new. Yoga, then biking, then weight lifting, then back to biking. The moment it feels like a rut, I switch and search for a new love. It's like having a midlife crisis, but without the new wife or cheesy BMW.
If I'd understood back then that a guy could be in love with another one, it would have happened. But I didn't come to that realization for a few more years and then it was too late for Jimmy and me.
I didn't realize how much harm I was doing back then and I think a lot of rap artists probably don't realize it now. I said a lot of stuff fooling around back then, and I saw it do a lot of harm.
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