A Quote by Terry Pratchett

Some people are confident because they are fools. Leonard had the look of someone who was confident because, so far, he'd never found a reason not to be. — © Terry Pratchett
Some people are confident because they are fools. Leonard had the look of someone who was confident because, so far, he'd never found a reason not to be.
I am very confident. I look confident. I act confident. I speak in a confident way.
After I became confident in Him it didn't matter what anyone said because I was confident in something and someone way bigger than myself.
I am not confident around people. Maybe, I have become slightly more confident over the years because of my profession.
I was once told that I had become too confident and that it made me less likeable. Many successful people will get this at some point, because the people who haven't followed a similar path can be threatened by someone who has and is unabashed about it.
People have to be confident about their sites. We're confident, number one, because under my administration we're managing our airports better than we've ever done before.
I feel very confident with the way I look. But I felt just as confident the way I looked before. I've always been confident with who I am.
Basically, I think some of the weight helped take some of the walls down in reality, so basically I got a little more confident. I'm definitely not super confident, but I am confident that I don't have to hide behind those layers of fat and that I can actually open up to people a little more.
I've always gotten like, "you're a queen"' or "yes motha." And "you're beautiful" and a lot of people are saying that because I am confident, and they are finding themselves to be more confident. Especially when you meet them in person.
If I'm feeling confident, then I write confident, happy, or assured music. I can hear some early electronic sketches I did where I'm clearly not confident and everything's a bit mid-range, nothing really pushes through.
I'm pretty confident about my sobriety, but I don't want to get too confident because that's when I'll crash.
I was confident in my ability. It's why I decided to walk on to a bigger school, in the Big 12: because I was confident in myself.
Just be confident. Confidence is the most attractive part of a person. Because if they're not confident enough to show you who they are, you don't even know who they are.
You succeed because you've chosen to be confident. It's not really useful to require yourself to be successful before you're able to become confident.
I certainly direct with confidence even if I'm not confident. I learned early on as an actor that confidence can be faked, and it's not always a terrible thing to do. A lot of times if people feel you're confident, then they're confident.
I would feel really dishonest writing a song that was really sassy, or really confident, because I'm not a supremely confident being. I think that's what people find interesting about what I do; it's very different lyrically.
I'm confident in my team. I'm confident in my coaches. I'm confident in my ability. I worked really hard to become a better mixed martial artist.
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