A Quote by Terry Pratchett

They always gives me bath salts," complained Nobby. "And bath soap and bubble bath and herbal bath lumps and tons of bath stuff and I can't think why, 'cos it's not as if I hardly ever has a bath. You'd think they'd take the hint, wouldn't you?
This is a natural evolution, building a complete bath ensemble program and the Joseph Abboud bath brand within the Creative Bath family of licensed programs.
I have a lovely bath tub that feels like my sanctuary. I fill it up with a lavender bubble bath, read a magazine and just chill out.
As a child, I always wanted to be the last one to take a bath because I knew I could close the door and spend hours just having my bath and singing.
For me, I've always found people who stand up and spritz themselves all over their clothes very odd. I'm a big bath addict, and I get up in the morning, and I have a big bath. But when I get out, and I'm still hot but fresh out of the bath, that's when I apply scent. I just have it on my bare skin; I never apply it to my clothes.
I need a bath." He chuckled. "You smell of smoke, as do I." The duke turned, leaning heavily on his cane. "Jameson, open the carriage door. We shall return to the house." Beth smiled up at Christian. "Shall we adjourn to the house to get some ointment for your hands and a bath, my love?" His eyes lit. "A bath?" Grandfather snorted. "Someone send to London for a special license! Now.
Kewell should have been yanked off the pitch at half time and put in a hot bath, a boiling hot bath.
When I'm getting ready to go out, I always watch 'Law & Order' in the bath. As soon as I hear the theme music, I just get all goose-pimply. I know I've been in the bath too long if I start watching a second one.
I eat pots of honey everywhere I go. I like anything sugary. And baths. I spend five hours in the bath. I eat in the bath.
My favorite places in Moscow are the Pushkin Museum of Fine Art - it has a wonderful collection of Impressionists - the Justo club, and Sandyni Bath, which is the oldest bath house in Moscow.
I usually get up around 6 A.M. It takes me a while to get going. In our household, I am the first one up. I usually make coffee for myself, draw a bath and have a big soak. I read in the bath.
I never take my work home with me, because when there is a baby in the bath at home, and you rush back for bath-time, as soon as you get through the door, you know that work is work and home is home.
The thing I love to do is take a good bath. I know it's random but I love a good bath, a good face mask and just really take time for yourself to decompress.
I'm a real bath addict. I could sit in a bath and soak for days on end, and you'll never see me again. It's my easiest, nicest thing. So if you're giving me something extra to do, an extra step to make bathtime last longer, then I'll do it.
I use bath gloves in the shower every day. People often comment on my skin and I just tell them that I use bath gloves.
I was told to have an ice bath once, which I did once, and it was the most horrific experience. In my head it sounded like a great idea, so I filled my bath with ice and water, and it was absolutely horrendous.
"Do you remember back at the hotel when you promised that if we lived, you’d get dressed up in a nurse’s outfit and give me a sponge bath?" "Actually, I think you misheard," Clary said. "It was Simon who promised you the sponge bath." "As soon as I’m back on my feet, handsome," "I knew we should have left you a rat," said Jace.
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