A Quote by Terry Rozier

When I get in there, I'm not really worried about scoring. I'm just worried about playing as hard defense as I can play, making my opponent work, and then I know the offensive end will open up for me. I've been a scorer all my life, so that's what I try to pride myself on. It feels good.
I know that sometimes when you are really worried about something, it ends up not being nearly as bad as you think it will be, and you get to be relieved that you were just being silly, worrying so much over nothing. But sometimes it is just the opposite. It can happen that whatever you are worried about will be even worse than you could have possibly imagined, and you find that you were right to be worried, and even that, maybe, you weren't worried enough.
In street ball, you really don't care about playing defense, unless it's some kind of flashy steal or a big block where you bat the ball across the court, but all you're really worried about is scoring.
Whoever I'm playing against, I go in and try to stop their best scorer and try to get myself going on the offensive end.
Work is rich. It can be looked at psychologically or philosophically or personally. The interpretive nature of work is different than the work itself. The interpretation of work isn't the key to understanding it. I'm worried about making a good sculpture. I'm not so worried about the interpretation of it.
I was worried about my mom more than I was worried about the president. And then I was worried about the president, and then I was worried about myself.
One of the big changes in politics has been because families, individuals, have felt worried, insecure... worried about the economy, worried about their jobs, worried about their kids' futures... actually the disconnect between the public and media discourse and people's everyday concerns has become bigger not smaller.
I know that many Danes are worried about the future. Worried about jobs, about open borders. About whether we can find a balance in immigration policy.
It's impossible to feel the creative juices flowing if you're always worried about the end result. I think really, really good work comes out of people being quite open, not stressed, really exploring, trying to be imaginative, without worrying too much about the end result.
I think my children have presented one of the biggest lessons so far in my life. It was only when my kids were born that I realized just how much I'd been living my life worried about what everybody thought of me and, even more strangely, worried about what I imagined other people might be thinking about me.
I'm extremely worried. I'm worried about the survival of our species, worried about what we're doing, worried about being Americans, worried about depletion of resources. On the other hand, we are trying. We are trying to understand our impact on the environment.
You become a parent, and your whole life becomes about worrying. You just worry constantly whether they'll be okay. And the idea that I'll be worried forever about them and what they do...I almost have a panic attack when I think about it. I'm worried, and I'm worried about having to worry so goddamn much.
I'm not worried about repeating myself - I'm more worried that I'd just get bored.
When I wake up in the morning, I'm not worried about nobody. When I go to work, I'm not worried. That's not me trying to say how tough I am, but that's just what it is. I have no fear.
Ozil is a quality player, and he really enjoys playing football. I always tell him to enjoy it and not get too worried about scoring.
Let me just worry about me. I'm not worried about anyone else. If you're doing fine, great; if you're struggling, I hope things get better for you. But I've got to be worried about my career.
People are worried about their bodies. They're worried about disease. They're worried about how they are able to get out and participate in the world.
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