A Quote by Terry Wogan

There's not enough silliness in the world.  Eurovision helps to keep it balanced. — © Terry Wogan
There's not enough silliness in the world. Eurovision helps to keep it balanced.
It is a challenge at times, but trying to stay centered and balanced helps me keep things in perspective.
The baby boomers' politics have covered a wide band of silliness, from the Weather Underground to the Timothy McVeigh types. The great majority of us are well in the middle of that spectrum, but still, there's been both leftie silliness and right-wing silliness.
I did Eurovision a few weeks back and to be fair, you can't get a gayer show than Eurovision.
The loser, the fool, is embraced in England because there is a recognition of silliness there that allows a person to keep his ambitions and desires at a certain distance. Just being in the race is enough.
To me, health is a balanced mind. A balanced mind knows how to get enough rest, how to eat properly, how to exercise. I have come out as just a balanced human being, and I don't know anything finer than that.
I watched 'Eurovision.' And I actually like the show. I like wind machines. I like the whole glimmer-glamour thing. That's 'Eurovision.' We love to hate it.
I miss the silliness of the Nineties. What would society be like if 9/11 never happened? If that silliness was extended forever?
When you're writing about something that happened, it helps you transition to the present. Ironically enough, by focusing on your presidency, it helps you realize that you're no longer the president. By reliving moments, it helps you stay focused on the moment.
When I come home from training, my attention immediately has to focus on my school courses, which helps keep the stress level balanced. I mostly balance both by drinking a lot of coffee and making sure I time manage well, which doesn't happen all the time, especially during finals week.
There's enough food in this world. There's enough housing in this world. There's enough shelter in this world. There's enough clothing in this world. There's enough teachers, there's enough universities for everybody's needs to be met, and the reasons they aren't is not because of lack of resources. It's because of distribution, and that's the politics of hate, which is why this is a movement against that. It's a politics of love.
I love 'Eurovision!' It's the best thing in the world, and it should be mandatory viewing.
I would love to have the whole world involved and still call it Eurovision.
The Pentacle - The ancients envisioned their world in two halves - masculine and feminine. Their gods and goddesses worked to keep a balance of power. Yin and Yang. When male and female were balanced, there was harmony in the world. When they were unbalanced there was chaos.
Our house was a place where you were welcome to make an idiot out of yourself. Silliness was valued. My dad worked with foster kids in the foster care system, and I think silliness was a way for him to leaven things up.
The world will be balanced when we are balanced.
I have a spiritual practice which helps to keep me grounded and centered. Yoga is vital because it keeps me in full awareness and connection with my breath. I keep a gratitude log, which helps to remind me of all the blessings I experience daily.
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