A Quote by The Iron Sheik

In Sheikie's day, we wrestle. We not use gimmick like the table chair. — © The Iron Sheik
In Sheikie's day, we wrestle. We not use gimmick like the table chair.
My kids learned to color on this table. There's been a lot that's went around this table. Waylon Jennings sat right there in that chair and showed Miley the chords to 'Good Hearted Woman.' Sitting in that chair. This table's a bit like life. It's a circle. And I believe everything in life is a circle. You come into this world a little teeny wrinkled-up fetus
Usability methods are like sandpapering a chair. If you are making a chair, the sandpaper can make it smoother. But no amount of sandpaper will turn a chair into a table.
I told my fans online how I hated my squeaky office chair. One day, a fan sent me a new chair. It was crazy! I still use the chair today. Pretty awesome.
Honestly, I just want to wrestle! Like, I don't need to be in these crazy gimmick matches or always be working for the championship.
There is nothing to keeping a band together. You simply have to have a gimmick, and the gimmick I use is to pay them money!
Rule No. 1 is you can't be fake. If you're fake, you become a gimmick and you're selling a gimmick; a little gimmick is cool, this is entertainment. But when you base your stuff on mostly real stuff, you never run out of it because every day is a different adventure.
Use crazy glue and nails to turn a rocking chair into just a chair that looks like a rocking chair.
Working with Emeco has allowed me to use a recycled material and transform it into something that never needs to be discarded - a tireless and unbreakable chair to use and enjoy for a lifetime. It is a chair you never own, you just use it for a while until it is the next persons turn. A great chair never should have to be recycled. This is good consideration of nature and man kind.
My chair just broke by the way. It's a billion dollar corporation and I can't get a decent chair and somebody to come out here and fix this announce table.
But I don't think that sculpture belongs in everyday life like a table does, or like a chair.
This past Thanksgiving, my father was at the farm, and I had all 11 dogs in the house with a father who never allowed dogs in the house. And he got up to leave the table and came back and Solomon was in his chair. And he says, "This dog is in my chair." And I said, "It's the other way around, you're sitting in his chair."
Luther Vandross was doing fine, but he said, "Man, I want to do my own project." So he got us all to do a demo, and that demo was "Never Too Much." It took him a year and a half to get signed, because he didn't have a gimmick. The record companies were looking for his gimmick. They said, "What's your gimmick?" He said, "I sing. That's my gimmick." Anyway, he finally got signed and the record was released, and the rest was history.
I did have a constituent four or five years ago - she never liked me. So, she called, I returned her call, and she was complaining about something, and she said: 'And why do you always use green? I think it's narcissistic.' And I said, 'Well, ma'am, everyone has to have a gimmick, and that's my gimmick.'
I am one who leaves the table like a man, without putting back the chair or picking up the plate
All possible truth is practical. To ask whether our conception of chair or table corresponds to the real chair or table apart from the uses to which they may be put, is as utterly meaningless and vain as to inquire whether a musical tone is red or yellow. No other conceivable relation than this between ideas and things can exist. The unknowable is what I cannot react upon. The active part of our nature is not only an essential part of cognition itself, but it always has a voice in determining what shall be believed and what rejected.
When I was living in Jerusalem, I used to write in a coffee shop called Tmol Shilshom. I'd sit at the same table every day and work. And right next to my seat was a weathered wingback chair by a window.
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