A Quote by The Ultimate Warrior

I was actually going to school to be a chiropractor but was also succeeding at bodybuilding - I did well in a few national contests. — © The Ultimate Warrior
I was actually going to school to be a chiropractor but was also succeeding at bodybuilding - I did well in a few national contests.
The problem I see with most contests is that the people judging have never competed in a bodybuilding contest. I feel that to have the knowledge necessary to judge a bodybuilding competition, you must have walked in those shoes.
The whole reason I did a bodybuilding show was to see how far I could push my own discipline. It was the hardest thing I've ever done. When I made the switch to acting, I was able to break that down into small, measurable goals like I did with bodybuilding.
Bodybuilding has been my life; if it weren't for bodybuilding, I don't know what I'd be doing. I look at bodybuilding as who I am.
When I was little, we moved around a lot, actually. In second grade, I think I went to three different schools. We were in Nevada and Oregon and as well as a few different places in Nebraska. I did go to high school in the same town.
In high school, I was one of the cofounders of New Kids on the Block my freshman year in high school. But I also started studying theatre in high school my freshman year as well. So throughout high school, I was actually doing both.
The bodybuilding world has lost one of its greatest legends. I had a chance to speak with Steve Michalik a year ago at The Upper State Bodybuilding competition. We laughed and shared our personal opinions about bodybuilding [today's scene and how it was in the past]. Steve, we'll miss you. R.I.P.
We were also going to develop relations with the current administration [of Barack Obama], but somehow they did not work out well in key areas and, I believe, not through our fault. I will not list all the problems that emerged in the past few years.
I hate school at that time. Now, little did I know that actually if I had stayed in school I would've actually really liked college. I wasn't aware enough to know that the junior high I was suffering through would be school at its worst.
I thought I was just a normal singer. I did a few shows at school but was always at the back. I never had the confidence to do it well.
Its actually really important that you succeed at what youre succeeding at, but that isnt going to be the measure of your life.
I am not going to wait and have us plunge back into a contentious national debate that has very little chance of succeeding. Let's make the Affordable Care Act work for everybody.
I did one year of school and I was doing correspondence school, which was actually another happy accident. Correspondence school is basically home school, but you teach yourself instead of your parents teaching you. I found that to be one of the most important things in my life is that I learned how to teach myself things. I feel like that's something that schools should actually teach.
I am not a contest-enterer by nature. But contests - and their entry fees - are often the main way literary journals raise money to, you know, publish their issues. So entering contests helps support the journal, which also helps support the writers they publish.
Competitive bodybuilding is a niche sport, but bodybuilding is for everybody.
I used to write three- and four-part harmonies for my YWCA club in high school. We used to win all the song contests. But people would say, 'Look who her father is. He probably did the whole thing.'
I was actually pretty shy in school. My defense mechanism was to be the class clown. I remember getting into a lot of trouble for being disruptive, and I was brought in front of the headteacher, who said: 'What's going to happen to you; what are you going to do when you grow up?' and I said: 'Well, I'm obviously going to be a comedian.'
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