A Quote by Theo Paphitis

I started work at 13, had three or four part-time jobs, and learnt very quickly the values of work. — © Theo Paphitis
I started work at 13, had three or four part-time jobs, and learnt very quickly the values of work.
I always had two or three jobs at the same time. I started doing yard work when I was 7 or 8. When I was 13, I got my first state job doing road construction. Between working, sports and school, I hardly ever had free time.
We only work? the most I ever work is three days a week. Very rare that I will work four. If I?'m involved in a scenario where they need me to be in it, I don'?t mind. They always work around my children?s schedule, their sports, and stuff like that. That?s been very important to me.
After my debut in 2001 in 'Aks,' where I had a small part, I had to work really hard to get work in the industry. For almost three years, I had no work.
My summer jobs for three years were going to work in my dad's factory and earn a bit of pocket money. I absolutely loved it, and I think I learnt more there than I did at Cambridge, actually, in terms of how hard work is and how tough it is finding a job, keeping a job, managing a job and family and commitments outside of work.
I also think that employees these days expect less of a separation of work and personal life. That doesn't mean that work tasks should encroach upon our personal time, but it does mean that employees today expect more from the companies for whom they work. Why shouldn't your workplace reflect your values? Why is "giving back" not a part of our jobs? The answer for us is to integrate philanthropy with work.
We only work four days a week, we only work three weeks out of the month, and we get four months off for the summer. So there's plenty of time for me to spend with the kids.
Initially, when I started working in Tollywood, there were only three or four releases in a year. But after 2010-11, the figure went up to three-four releases per month. It's impossible for one music director to work simultaneously in so many films.
I believe that if we are going to create jobs in this country, then let's create jobs that will absolutely put the working-class people at work to the point where they have one job. They don't have to work three because they have to work Wendy's, McDonald's, and Walmart to survive.
When I started acting, I had a really strong discipline of knowing that you had to be on time, knowing that you had to work 12 to 16 hours a day, knowing you had to be prepared, knowing you had to be ready, and it's very interesting because if you're an artist and you're creating, you can work very, very long hours but as you're putting out that love of creation, it's almost like you're charged by it, you're charged by the process of it.
Know your career values: Not your parents' values, not your friends', but what you personally value in work. For me, it's things like moving quickly and scrappily, ownership and authority over my work, and flexibility.
I started out as a duo with Mis-Teeq's Sabrina Washington, and we worked for four or five years before signing a record deal. I had no money, and I was taking part-time jobs just to earn the train fare to get to rehearsals.
I love doing voiceover work. I started doing voiceover work when I had just dropped out of school, and the first few professional jobs I got were plays, but then I started making money doing voiceovers.
I love doing voiceover work. I started doing voiceover work when I had just dropped out of school, and the first few professional jobs I got were plays, but then I started making money doing voice-overs.
My dad died when I was three so my mom had to raise four kids on her own, and I think there's a part of me that pulls upon having watched my mom do that our whole lives. She had to make it work.
I can't be bought with money. If someone calls me and asks me to work for them for three or four years, and they'll pay me well to build their vacation home, I ask myself why I should work three or four years on something like that.
I toured for 13 years, and it was very lonely, and it was hard work. I'm not afraid of hard work, especially if it's for stuff that I enjoy. But I actually don't think you could name one artist who enjoys promo or touring after the first three to six months of an album cycle.
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