A Quote by Theodore Roethke

The damage of teaching: the constant contact with the undeveloped. — © Theodore Roethke
The damage of teaching: the constant contact with the undeveloped.
They go forth [into the world] with well-developed bodies, fairly developed minds and undeveloped hearts. An undeveloped heart - not a cold one. The difference is important.
I believe in teaching just a few students, as teaching requires a constant alert observation on each individual in order to establish a direct relationship. A good teacher cannot be fixed in a routine, and many are just that. During teaching, each moment requires a sensitive mind that is constantly changing and constantly adapting.
This is due partly to the fact that Americans are much better fed than Europeans, and partly to the undeveloped resources of a new country, but more largely to our climate, which acts as a constant stimulus.
I'm blonde and a model, so you can imagine the constant damage my hair receives.
In undeveloped social groups, we find very little formal teaching and training. Savage groups mainly rely for instilling needed dispositions into the young upon the same sort of association which keeps adults loyal to their group. They have no special devices, material, or institutions for teaching save in connection with initiation ceremonies by which the youth are inducted into full social membership. For the most part, they depend upon children learning the customs of the adults, acquiring their emotional set and stock of ideas, by sharing in what the elders are doing.
Constant contact is what people require these days. Its tough on artists.
Constant contact is what people require these days. It's tough on artists.
I like teaching and the contact with young minds keeps one on one's toes.
This is less teaching than damage control. You may as well paint a house that’s on fire.
A highly developed moral nature joined to an undeveloped intellectual nature, an undeveloped artistic nature, and a very limited religious nature, is of necessity repulsive. It represents a bit of human nature a good bit, of course, but a bit only in disproportionate, unnatural and revolting prominence.
The chain of friendship, however bright, does not stand the attrition of constant close contact.
Teaching is a good distraction, and I am in contact with young people, which is very gratifying.
I'm half deaf. I have nerve damage and a constant ringing in both of my ears, and there are certain times and conditions when I can hardly hear at all.
Hostile states' use of proxies in war zones to inflict damage on U.S. interests and troops is a constant, longstanding concern.
A review of maths teaching is a great thing, but it's a complex issue, and often the damage is done in the very early years of education.
I deal with this spiritual issue every day - either shooting or processing or sorting or discussing or having conversations - I'm in constant contact with it.
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