A Quote by Theodore Roosevelt

The party belongs to the millions of the rank and file. It does not belong to the handful of politicians who have assumed fraudulently to upset the will of the rank and file. The action of these men is in no sense "regular," as they claim it to be.... theft and dishonesty cannot give and never shall give a title to regularity.
When the phonies are expelled from their leadership roles and the Republican Party backs a moderate gubernatorial candidate acceptable to the rank and file with proper financing and the intestinal fortitude to fight the good fight, the rank and file will rejoin the fold.
The party has to be much more. It has to connect in a real way with rank-and-file members and be their voice.
No Republican could expect to win the GOP nod after betraying his party's rank and file.
Is the Labour Party to remain a democratic party in which the right of free criticism and free debate is not merely tolerated but encouraged? Or are the rank and file of the party to be bludgeoned or cowed into an uncritical subservience towards the leadership?
I saw the Blair-Mandelson regime as a coup, and I think it was a well-funded coup as well - resources obviously came from big private-sector backers. But all through that period the bulk of the rank and file party were what the party has always been, a socialist party.
I actually think there are more Republicans than people realize who would be sympathetic to immigration reform in the rank and file. I think the lesson for Jeb Bush is politicians shouldn't write books with long lead times.
Our agitation, you know, helps keep yours alive in the rank and file.
It is the rank and file - the average woman - for whom the world has opened up so astonishingly.
The anarch wages his own wars, even when marching in rank and file
Rank and file Democrats are very patriotic. They love this country and support the military.
While once it was the rank and file that cheered with all the partisan passions at their heights, today it is the party leaders who are cheering themselves; and all by themselves. The mob that is their audience is in one vast universal trance, thinking about something else.
The rank and file are not philosophers, they are not educated to think for themselves, but simply to accept, unquestioned, whatever comes.
When one is in office one has no idea how damnable things can feel to the ordinary rank and file of the public.
I would first recommend we appoint a Police Director that commands the respect of the rank and file.
The main Objective of any operation in an open file is the eventual Occupation of the seventh or eighth Rank.
I like files. I like editing a CSS file without necessarily having to edit an HTML file. I like fixing a problem by replacing a corrupted file with a clean one. Maybe I'm set in my ways, but I don't consider it a hardship to open a folder or replace a file.
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