A Quote by Theodore Roosevelt

There is apt to be a lunatic fringe among the votaries of any forward movement. — © Theodore Roosevelt
There is apt to be a lunatic fringe among the votaries of any forward movement.
Every reform movement has a lunatic fringe.
Among the wise and high-minded people who in self-respecting and genuine fashion strive earnestly for peace, there are the foolish fanatics always to be found in such a movement and always discrediting it the men who form the lunatic fringe in all reform movements.
You sometimes find something good in the lunatic fringe. In fact, we have got as part of our social and economic government today a whole lot of things which in my boyhood were considered lunatic fringe, and yet they are now part of everyday life.
We cannot hope to change human nature. There will always be cranks and conspiracy theorists among us. But we can try to improve things - we don't have to accept the debasement of civil discourse or civic decline. We can take steps to ensure that the lunatic fringe remains on the fringe and stops bleeding into the base and then poisoning the mainstream
The lunatic fringe is more like a Spanish shawl, where the fringe makes up the entire garment.
The argument of those who are being criticized at any time, the civil rights movement forward, the anti-war movement forward, is, it's always outside agitators doing it.
The lunatic fringe in all reform movements.
The lunatic fringe wags the underdog.
I believe that in any initiative, you can't have a flavor of the month. When you believe something is profound in a company, you can not be a logical leader. You have to go to the lunatic fringe. There is no way that logic is what you need to change people.
In less than a century we experienced great movement. The youth movement! The labor movement! The civil rights movement! The peace movement! The solidarity movement! The women's movement! The disability movement! The disarmament movement! The gay rights movement! The environmental movement! Movement! Transformation! Is there any reason to believe we are done?
That was like the moment of revelation for me that in fact we are not the lunatic fringe.
You can't behave in a calm, rational manner. You've got to be out there on the lunatic fringe.
The way to find what the mainstream will do tomorrow is to associate with the lunatic fringe today.
Outrageous behavior, also known as the lunatic fringe, is the seed bed of innovation and creativity.
Does political correctness have a good side? Yes, it does, for it makes us re-examine attitudes, and that is always useful. The trouble is that, with all popular movements, the lunatic fringe so quickly ceases to be a fringe; the tail begins to wag the dog. For every woman or man who is quietly and sensibly using the idea to examine our assumptions, there are twenty rabble-rousers whose real motive is desire for power over others. The fact that they see themselves as antiracists or feminists or whatever does not make them any less rabble-rousers.
People like me, who care about printing, constitute the tiniest lunatic fringe in the nation.
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